* Evolving Russia The evolution of Russia may turn out
to be the most important process now going on in. Europe. There is nothing spectacular about it, but from time to time dis- connected items of news throw . light on the situation. This week, for example, it is announced that the regime of divorce for the asking is at an end, or at any rate that something like a genuine procedure is now required. Hitherto wives or husbands could be discarded at will. In the future the undesired spouse must be informed of what is in store and given the opportunity of arguing the ease before a recognised tribunal, working in the knowledge that the present policy of the government is to uphold family life—a phrase which should perhaps be relatively construed. At the same time a striking depar- ture from the original principle of.. a flat-rate wage is reported. Competition in coal-cutting with the latest machinery has led to astonishing yields, with the result that the whole standard of coal production throughout the Soviet Union is likely to be substantially raised. And the best workman will apparently get the best wage. Little by little the contrasts between Soviet Russia and capitalist countries in their internal affairs are being pared away, and internationally, as M. Litvinoff has lately demonstrated at Geneva, Russia's foreign policy is well on the way. to becoming that of any good League member. . . * *