27 SEPTEMBER 1935, Page 3

Boots for Italy — Trade Union Action " Members must be warned

that in no circumstances are they to make goods for the Italian Government." Such is the instruction issued by the executive of the National Union of Boot -and Shoe Operatives to their members, acting upon a resolution passed in 1926. If ever there were an occasion when such action might appear to be justified, the present is one. Nevertheless, the instruction—this is also the view of the Trades Union Congressis ill-advised. It is not -within the com- petence of trade union leaders to determine the policy of the nation in matters of peace and war ; that is for the Government and Parliament, alnatdtetrhemwighhotlepeprehoapples making its opinion heard. The assume a different aspect if the Government palpably disregarded its obligations to the Covenant and defied public opinion. , It would in that case be straining logic to insist that workers should work to help an aggressive and acquisitive Power. But such a position has not arisen and, is not likely to arise. The sectional withdrawal of labour at the behest of trade union executives is the least satisfactory way of expressing the disapproval of the public.