27 SEPTEMBER 1935, Page 43

"The Spectator" Crossword No. 157


[A prize of one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked " Crossword Puzzle," and should be ,received not later than first post on Tuesday. No envelopes be opened before noon on Tuesday. Solutions should be on the form appearing below. The name of the winner will be published in our next issue. Envelopes containing soltdions must bear a three.halfpenny stamp, otherwise they are surcharged on delivery.]


2 3



'6 7 8 10 ii 12 13 14

Nak-All quotations are by Milton.

ACROSS 1, " Can this be hee, That heroin, that lienown'd,

. . .Samson ?

" God doth not . . .

Either males work or his own gifts : who best Bear his mild yoke, they serve him best." 11. fierce extremes, extremes by change more tierce, From Beds of raging Fire. to starve in . ." 14. rev. Strives for superiority. 15. In a cave.

18." Among the pleasant Villages and

- Farms Adjohed, from each thing met con- COW% delight, The smell of Grain, or . . . Grass, or 17. " the Fruit Of that Forbidden . . whose mortal taste Brought Death into the World," 18. rev. Loosely constructed play Milton would not have approved of !

20. -drennith, not as I oft am wont

of thee, Works of day past, or . . .'s next &mien, Bid of offence and trouble." 22. Around 24i down.

23, " by the rushy-fringed bank.

Where grows the 'Willow and the . dank, My sliding Chariot stays." 25. Vowels.

20.rev. In ss. 27. rev. " to epake tit' Apostate Angel,

though in pain, , aloud, but rackt with deep despair." Ilefore noon. 80. rev. "Thir Ministry perform'd, and race well run, Thir doctrine and thir story written left, They . • ." 81. In 16. 82. " Shephdrd Ifs my office . . To help ensnared chastity." 83. " Seen: I to thee sufficiently nossest Of happiness, or not ? who am alone From all Eternity, for . . . I know Second to nice or like, equal much less."

80. The one who said 21.

GIL ." Sporting the Lion ramp'd, and in his paw Dandl'd the Kid ; Bears, . . . Ounces, Pants Oanibol'd before them." • 40. ." Too well I see and rue the dire . That with ead.pverthrow and foul detest Bath lost us Hcav'n."

DOWN " What hoots it with . . . care To tend the homely slighted Shep- herd's trade,

' And strictly meditate the thankless Muse ? "

2. ' All isnot lost ; the nneenquerab e And study of . . immortal hate, And courage never to submit or

. yield"

8. " lest he . . chide,

Both God exact day.lubour, light denied."

4. " Sport that wrinkled Care derides, And Laughter holding both his , ." b. " Not equal, as their sex not

equal d ; Fur contemplation bee and valour ferried, For softness Ace and sweet attrac- tive Grace."

8. "I come to pluck your . harsh and crude, And with fore'd fingers rude, Shatter your leaves before the mellowing year." 7.Imposture,

s. " him there they found

Squat like a Toad, close at the ear of . .

" perish rather, swallow'd up and lost

In the wide womb of unereated eight,

of settee and motion ? "

12. Ends of a cord, 13. U, real bad I (snag.).

14, •' that Stared Ethiope Queen that . .

To act her beauty's praise above The Sea Nymphs, and their powers offended."

19. " The savoury pulp they chew, and In the Still as they thirsted seven the brim- ming stream:"

21. " In argument with men a . . . ever Goes by the worse, whatever be her cause."

24. rev. " But let my . . . feet never fail To walk the studious Cloisters pale." 26. " Which when -Beelzebub perceiv'd, than whom, , except, none higher sat, with grave Aspect lie rose."

28. " Nothing is here for . . s, nothing to wall

Or knock the breast, ne weakness, no contempt."

34. 25.

35. See 25.

30. In 4.

87. 20.

38. In all our lives.