27 SEPTEMBER 1963, Page 9

Errors and Omissions

From past experience, I ought to hesitate about saying anything about any American cult in public, because there are always at least twenty cultists poised at their typewriters to reply. Ah, who cares? We just received a long trenchant letter from a bellicose outfit called the Committee for the Monroe Doctrine, 79 Madi- son Avenue, New York City, and signed by the chairman, Captain Eddie Rickenbacker (odd how those American aces get mixed up in odd movements. Lindbergh too. Hm). I can't see my- self how the Monroe Doctrine nowadays can square with NATO or Vietnam or Taiwan, but okay, I'll read anything, including a pamphlet by J. Reuben Clark which, according to Captain Rickenbacker's letter, was enclosed. What was actually enclosed was a long speech by Senator Talmadge on price mechanisms in the cotton industry. Come on, Eddie boy, you'll never beat those lousy Commies that way. Unless Senator Talmadge was speaking in code?