FROM THE LONDON GAZETTES. Tuesday, 24th April.
Rents:sem and RUSSELL, Queen Street Piave, attornies-at-law-D mimeses: and Knee, Gracechurch Street, at tornies-LOWMAN and LANGFoRD, Southampton, boot-makers- HETwoon and HARRISON, Greenwich, grocers-SusanimiN and BunsLEst Reading, linen-drapers-SHELDON and Co. Bollington, Cheshire, cotton-spinuers-Wrse and Co. Sheldon, Devonshire. merchains-JAMES and It TALL, Hastings, music-sellers-3. and A. DONALDSON, Liverpool, linen-drapers-GREGOEr and FULLFORD, Carey Street, law- stationers-RowLANDsom sen. and jun. Liverpool, liquor-merchants-Gasnmern and HuDDLEsToNE, Kendal, manufacturers-ARE and JONES, Chester, coach-proprietors- MYERS and Co. Liverpool, publishers-J. and H. WHITAKER, Lower Tunstead, Lanca- shire, woollen-printers -HANHEs and CUBLEy, Bear Street Leicester Square, tailors- ALLEN and LIGHTFOoT, Coegnant, Glamorgaushire, coal-merchants-BAne. and ELLIs, Bristol, saddlers-REEs and Co. Tallied', Glamorganshire, timber-merchauts-DAvt- sus and SNOWDEN, Alnwick, gun-makers-SoLomoN and Dunn, Conduit Street, den- tists-HuenEs and Co. Chester, bankers ; as far as regards 0. WILLIAMS.
ALLMAN% RicHARD, 11-em, Shropshire. victualler, April 14.
BONSFIELD, SAMUEL, Ifeaton Norris, Lancashire, saddler. April 21.
BRICE, EDWARD, Bristol, cabinet-maker, to surrender May 9, June 5: solicitors, Messrs. White and Whitmore, Lincoln's Inn ; and Messrs. Bevan and Britton, Bristol. CABORN, GEORGE. Ilorneastle, inn-keeper, May 2, June 5: solicitors, Messrs. fugue and Lambert, John Street. Bedford Row ; and Messrs. Prickett and Robinson, Hull. Davies, EDWARD, Sheffield, draper, May 10, 11, June 5: solicitors, Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple ; and Messrs. Walker and Jesse, Manchester.
GAneNea, -JOHN LAMB, Little Tower Street, wine-merchant, May 1, June 5 : solicitor, Mr. Peilc. Old Broad Street.
GILL, WILtrAm, Upper Street, Islington, linen-draper, May 8, June 5: solicitor, Mr. Birt, Mitre Court, Milk Street, Cheapside. KATE, WILLIAM, Chorhon Row, near Manchester, jeiner, May 10,11, June 5: solici- tors, Messrs. Adlington C'o. Bedford Row ; and Messrs. Ch ye and Thompson, Manchester.
LEWis, Ii ICHARD, Portsen, t imber-merchant, May 3, 24, June 5: solicitors. Mr. Good- eve. New Millman Street, Guildffird Street ; and Messrs. Androws and Minehtin. Portsea. MACiNTIRE, JAsies, and WEristr, RonEwr, Carden, Pembrokeshire. i•oaeli-builders, May -1, 5, Jane 5: solicitors, Messrs. Clarke and Co. Lincolies Inn ; and Mr. Cohnore, Birmingham. TimmAs, W'ILLIA'M, Park Lane, Piccadilly, livery-stable-keeper, May 8, June 5: soli- citor, Mr. SPBeath, Clement's Inn.
TOWNSEND, WILtrAir, Brighthelmstone, brewer. May 7, June 5 : solicitors. Messrs. Freeman and Bothamley, Coleman Street ; and Messrs. Benson and Freeman, Bright- helmstone.
Wems, THomAs GoTFREy, Newpark Street, Southwark, victualler, May 1, June 5: solicitor, Mr. Carter, High Street, Southwark.
May 16, Chittenden sem and kin. Hay's Wharf, Southwark, hop-merchants-May 17. Hodkinson and Dyson, George Street. Hanover Square, tailors-May 17, app. Seymour Mews, Marvlebone, job-master-May 15, De Alzedo, Bank Buildings, Corn- hill, merchant-May 21, Taylor, Liverpool, silk-mercer-May 16, Tarleton, Liverpool, hat-manufacturer-May 25, Smith and Goode, Birmingham, bankers-May IS. Vickers, Leeds, printer-May 17, Farmer, Coventry, saddler-May 31, Thompson, Kingston- upon-Hull, merchant.
To be granted, sinless cause be shown to the contrary, on or befOre May 15. Dallman, Old Bond Street, tailor -Johnston. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, draper-Harvey sen. Birmingham, sword-cutler-Colling,ford, Marylebone Lane, victualler-Farrah. Hatfield Hide, Hertfordshire, coal-merchant-Ward and Co. Mellor, Lancashire, cotton- spinners-Gale, Manchester, carver.
MACKENFIE, TnomAs, Dundounnell, underwriter, April 28, May 12.
MORRIS, HENRY, and Eivisre, ROBERT, G Insgow,cotton-yarn-agents, April 28, May 12. RATHBONE, SAMUEL and ROBERT, Portobello, potters, April 27, May 11.
Friday, 2711e April.
NuN and Srer.eir, Ropemaker's Street, Finsbury, coach-makers-GROVE and SHOT- TOWS:, London, Irish provision-agents-Nearest and TURNER, High Holborn, chymists, -ProoTT and Co., Darlington, Durham, linen-mannfficturers-InnoTsoN and SAVILLE, Sheffield, joiner's-tool manufacturers-J. and J. BISSELL. Tipton, Staffordshire, carriers -PooLEy and PERCIVAL, Sandhach, Cheshire, silk-throwsters-T. and G. STRINGEL, Nortlivrich, Cheshire, timber-merchats-Far and Sons, Bath, carriers.
SMITH, HENRY, Salisbury Strand, wine-merchant, April 26.
BANKRUPTCIES SUPERSEDED. BOWER, GEORGE, Chipping Barnet, Ilertfordshire, linen-draper. PALMER, EDWARD, Bath, hardwareman.
TIACKIMusE, ROGER, Liverpool. innkeeper, to surrender May 9, June 8: solicitors, Messrs. Adlington and Co. Bedford Row. BURTINSTIAW, JOHN, Stockport, cotton-spinner, May 15, 16, June 8: solicitors, Messrs. Johnson and Weatherall, Temple. CUMmi Nos, JAMES, Landport, baker, May 3, June 8: solicitor, Mr. Hildyard, Fur- nival's Inn.
FALK, EDWARD WILLIAM', Vine Street, Minories, chocolate-manufacturer, May 7. June 8: solicitors, Messrs. Amory and Coles, Throgmorton Street. FORTNUM, CHARLES, and MENCKE, WILT.TAM. Nunhead Hill, patent brick-makers, May 7, June 8: solicitors, Messrs. Fisher and Lake, Bury Street, St. James's.
HemEnEN. ROBERT, Southampton, bone-merchant, May 10, June 8: solicitor, Mr. Bremridge, Hare Court, Temple. MITCHELL, GEORGE, Trentham, miller, May 11, June 8: solicitors, Messrs. Tooke and Carr, Bedford Row.
PEALE. IIENRT, London Road, stationer, May 11, June 8: solicitor, Mr. Watson, Gerrard Street, Soho.
RETNoLns, GEORGE, Coventry, druggist, May 4, June 8 : solicitor, Mr. Russell, Lant Street, Southwark.
Ron Earsom, JAMES, Whitstable, timber-merchant, May 8, June 9: solicitors, Messrs. Meymott and Son, Great Surry Street.
May 19, Martin, New Street. Dorset Square, Marylebone, linen-draper-May 17, Bell, Limehouse, boat-builder-May 21, Minnford, Stanstead Street, Essex, corn-dealer- May 18. Down; Great Winchester Street, merchant-May 24. Flint, Burlington Arcade, bookseller-May 18, Sadler, Old Bailey, oilman-May 18, Leicester, Liverpool, timber- merchant-May 21, Adlington, Chesterfield, mercer-May 19, Ashworth. Rochdale, eorn-dealer-Aug. 22, Stephenson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, ship-owner-May 18, Calvin, Worcester, hatter-May 18, Howard, Warrington, sail-canvas-manufacturer-May 19, Sidders, Birchington, Kent, dealer in pigs.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before May 18.
Hudson, Sheffield, table-knife-cutler-Graham, Alfred Place, Newington Causeway, &wry, upholsterer-Stephens, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street, bookseller-J. and W. Miller, Castle Street East. Oxford Market. working-jewellers-Hunt, Sale Street, Paddington, slater-Pain. Newman Street, Oxford Street, surveyor-Boast, Hunslet, Yorkshire, innkeeper-Thwaites, Austinfriars, commission-agent-Thompson. St. Helen's Place, merchant-Garfit, Gainsborongh, wine-rnerchant-Cntbush,-Wilining- ton Square, Clerkenwell, builder-Raven, Skinner Street, grocer.
JACKSON, THOMAS, Glasgow, coach-proprietor, May 4,18.