28 APRIL 1832, Page 12



The Eclipse, Davis, from London to the Cape, was totally lost on the 31st January. on the Island of Palma (Coast ofAfrica), and Wiu of the passengers drowned. The St. George, Wells, from Calcutta to Liverpool, was spoken with in lat. 18, south long. 80,22 east, with loss of her upper masts; she intended putting into the Mauritius. Arrived—In the Channel, Satellite, from Trincomalee ; II. C. S. Hereford- shire, Hope, from China ; and Minerva, Probyn, from Bengal; Victoria, Maurer, and Edmond Castle, Cairns, from Singapore; Circassian. Braithwaite; Falloden, Mould; Maria, Palmer; Abel Gower, Smith; and Indiana, Webster, all from the Mauritius; Baltic, Duncan, from Singapore; Magnet, Parker, from the Cape; and Morley. Doug- last from Ceylon. At Liverpool, Amnia, Taylor, from the Cape. In the Clyde, Elora, Gilkinson. from Bombay ; Clifton, Lightbody ; and Capricorn, Smith, from Mauritius. At Ascension, March 11, Drammen!, Petrie. front Mauritius. At St. Helena, Feb. 27, Industry, Sanderson, from Mauritius; and Columbia, Booth, from Singapore; 28. Glenalvon, Riekaby, from Mauritius; 29, Beatrice, Smiths, from the Cape; March 4, the II. C. S. Rose, Marquis, from China; and Duke of Bedford, Bowen. from Calcutta; 5. hones Pattison, Grote • 6, Lord W. Bcntinck, Hutchinson, from Madras; and Alex. Robertson, Gray, from Mauritius; 7, Collingwood, Snipe, from ditto; and Hobe, Currie, from Singapore. At the Cape, February 7. Orontes, Baker; 9, Arethusa, Boultbee; and 10, Mermaid. Evans,—all from London ; and Eleanor, Cooke, from tavia. At the Mauritius. December 11. Rutland. Headly, front Bristol; and 21, Royal George. Embleton. fio.n London. At Bengal, December 28, Roxburgh Castle, Denny; and Ganges, Boultlim from London; 31. -Lotus, Wilson, from the Clyde; and Jan.4. ZenoLia. Owen. from London. At Batavia, November 16, Jones, Roper; and 18, fields. Fenham, from Loudon; 27, Spartan. Lurasden, from Liverpool. At Manilla, Octobei 6, Sabina, Robertson. from Liverpool.

Soiled—From Gravesend, April 22, Resource, Warren; and Dorothea. Nottage, foi Bengal ; 94, H. C. ships Berwickshire. Thomas; and Edinburgh, Marshall, for China; 25,13, C. ship Canning. Baylis, for ditto; Vesper, Brown, for Bombay ; and Earl Ba- thurst, Smith, for the Cape. From Liverpool, April 23, Minerva, Metcalfe. for Bombay.


Arrived—Off Portsmouth, Duke of Bedford, Bowen, from Bengal.

Sailed—From Gravesend, April 27, Alexander, Waugh, for Madras; and Arundle, Henderson, for New South Wales. From Liverpool, April 95, Fejee, Bewley, foi Manilla.