The Commons met today at twelve o'clock, to receive the
report of the Rate-in-aid Bill: no objection having been made, the form was gone through, and the third reading fixed for Monday. Sir Lucius O'BstrEsr asked Lord John Russell, whether he could men- tion the names of the Commissioners whom he proposed to invest with such extraordinary powers under the bill for facilitating the sale of Encumbered Estates in Ireland; or if he could not do this, whether he was prepared to mention the class or profession from which the selection was to be made? His own vote would depend much upon the character and qualifications of the parties: till the appointments were known, uncertainty in all matters connected with Irish property would prevail. Lord Jonts RusaFta. replied, that he did not think it advisable to insert the names of the Commissioners in the bill; but he would consider all the suggestions involved in the inquiries of Sir Lucius; and he was ready to give the assurance that none would be selected save those who are perfectly conversant with the subject.
The sitting lasted twenty minutes.