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THE Queen held a Court on Tuesday afternoon, at Buckingham Palace. Count Schimmelpenninck, the Netherlands Minister, had an audience to deliver his new credentials; the Marquis de Sauli, the Sardinian Minister, to present a letter from King Victor Emanuel, on his accession; the Right Honourable Thomas Wyse, Plenipotentiary to Greece, to take leave. Lord John Russell and Viscount Palmerston had audiences.
Her Majesty held the second dra.wingroom of the season, at St. James's Palace, on Wednesday. The attendance was full.
Two Royal birthdays fell upon Wednesday the 25th; that of the Princess Alice, and that of the Dutchess of Gloucester. The Queen and Prince Albert made congratulatory calls on the Dutchess. In the evening, they celebrated the Princess's birthday by assembling a juvenile party, the young folks accompanied by their parents. M. Robert Houdin performed feats of escamotage in the picture-gallery, and there was dancing in the saloon.
The Queen and Prince Albert went to Her Majesty's Theatre on Satur- day and Thursday, to the Haymarket on Monday, and to the Lyceum on Wednesday.
Her Majesty visited the Queen Dowager, at Marlborough House, on Monday; received visits from the Duke of Parma on Saturday; and from the Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge, and their guests the Grand Duke and Dutchess of Mecklenburgh-Strelitz, on Tuesday. Prince Albert visited the Earl of Ellesmere, in Belgrave Square, on Tuesday. The Hereditary Grand Duke and Dutchess of Mecklenburgh-Strelitz arrived from the Continent, at Cambridge House, on Monday. The Dutchess of Cambridge met her guests at Dover on Sunday, and accom- panied them to London.