28 APRIL 1860, Page 10



Business in English Securities still continues dull, and quotations since the opening on Monday have scarcely fluctuated an 4 per cent. Money has been in good supply, and the demand for accommodation proportionately less; the rates for short loans en Government Securities ruling at from 24 to 3 per cent. The chief topic of conversation has naturally been the gigantic fraud recently discovered upon the Union Bank of London, the enormous amount of 260,0001. is reported to have been lost in Stock Exchange and turf transactions, the latter it is more than probable having swallowed up the greater portion. Consols were not effeuted upon the discovery, although so very large a fraud might easily have caused considerable depression. The first quotation in Consols on Monday was 944 95 for Account and 941 944 for Money, the former having since alternated 944 944 and 944 95, at which they close, somewhat less firm than in the morning. Indian Rupee Five per Cents, 98 984, and India Stock, 219 221 ; the debentures are 964 97 ; Bank Stock, 224 226 ; Reduced and New Three per Cents, 934 934. There has been rather more doing in Foreign Stocks, but prices do not show any material alteration :—Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cents dull at 91 92; Ditto Three per Cents, 69 70; Ditto, the Dollar Bonds, 80 82; Peruvian Uribarren Four-and-a-half per Cents, 82 83 ; Buenos Ayres Six per Cents stationary, 84 86; Ditto Three per Cents, 24 25; Venezuela' 264 27, and the One-and-a-half per Cents, 14 144; Spanish Stocks have been improving all the week, leaving of finally 474 48, and the Deferred, 361 37; Portuguese quiet, 434 44; Chilian, Six per Cents, 102 104; Chilian Four-and-a-half per Cent, 84 86. Turkish Stock have been inactive, the Six per Cent Old is quoted 764 77, and the New, 61 611 ; Sardinian, 84 85; Victor Emmanuel, 95 96; Russian Five per (..:ent, 107 109 ; Granada Active nominally, 15 16; and the Deferred, 41. The market is steady at the close.

Railway Shares have not experienced much alteration during the week, but the leading lines have had a tendency upwards. This being the first " making-up day for the account of next Monday, attention is princi- pally directed to the settlement. Quotations generally are dull, those for the middle of May account showing heaviness. Midland Stock is now 116 1161; Great Western, 69 691 ; London and North-Western, 994 1001 ; London and South-Western, 914 924 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 105 1051; London and.Brighton, 113 115 ; Great Northern Stocks are heavy at 1134 1144, and the A description, 116 117 ; Caledonian, 904 91, this is a de- cline of about 4 per cent, there being no apparent cause ; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 414 42 ; South-Eastern and Dover closes 874 874. Prices in the French Share Market have been and close good, with the ex- ception of Lombardo-Venetian, which leaves off 14 14 pm. ; Paris and Lvonri, 374 374 ; Paris and Strasbourg*, 25 26 ; Northern of France, 384 344. Business has been very limited. The Indian Market remains 'dull.. A good deal of business has been negotiated in Joint Stock Banks, particu- larly in the Union of London : the greatest decline equalling 7 per cent, a slight recovery has taken place toduy, the figures being 234 24. It might have been expected that the late serious discovery would have had a de- pressing influence in other things, but the latest quotations, however, ex- hibit an improvement. London and Joint Stock, 314 314 ; London and Westminster, 58 69; County, 35 36; City, 70 72 ; Bank of London, 514 524.


C0118018 opened 95 954, receded to 95 sellers, but are now buyers at that prim, the Market showing firmness. Foreign Stocks and Railway Shares heavy owing to the settling. Union Bank Shares are quoted 244 254, rather more than %per cent higher.