The Calcutta mail arrived yesterday, with advices to the 23d
of March. The Governor-General held a grand durbar in Sealkote on the 8th in- stant, for the reception of the Maharajah of Cashmere and the chiefs of the Dert.
The chief fact, however, reported, is that the disturbances in the in- digo districts had not subsided. The ryots have a leader, who styles himself " the uprooter of the Indigo race, the Indigo Destroyer." He declares that he will, be the Nana Sahib of Bengal. Mr. Grant had is- sued a notification, but it had produced no effect. A deputation waited on him and pressed for more stringent measures. The Government then determined to pass a bill, at once, making any breach of an indigo contract a criminal offence, punishable summarily by the nearest magis- trate. This it was supposed would save the crop and pacify the people. A report comes from Canton that the Chinese have captured the gun- boats Dove and Algerine off the Peiho. It is a Chinese report. When the Sanspareil left the gulf of Pechelee, on the 4th of March, the gunboats were safe at their anchorage. Sir Mope Grant arrived at Hong-kong on the 13th of March.
The Japanese have murdered two Dutch captains at Yokohama. They were quietly walking the streets when they were cut down.