A new " Biographia Britannica," consisting of a " Series of Lives of Illustrious Englishmen, by various Writers," is in preparation by Mr. Murray. The work is announced to be " uniform with Dr. William Smith's Classical Dictionaries.
Mr. Murray has also in the press " The Diary and Correspondence of Lord Colchester," edited by his son, the present Lord Colchester. The first Lord, it will be remembered, was Speaker of the House of Com- mons from 1802 to 1817, and better known as Mr. Charles Abbott.
A second -volume of " Essays and Reviews," by eminent members of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, is in course of preparation by Messrs. J. W. Parker and Son.
" The Life and Travels of Alexander von Humboldt, with an Account of his Discoveries, and Notices of his Scientific Fellow Labourers and Contemporaries," is announced as forthcoming by Mr. James Blackwood.
Messrs. Blackwood of Edinburgh are preparing for publication a "History of English Puritanism and its Leaders," by the Reverend Dr. Tulloch, author of " Leaders of the Reformation."
Messrs. Hurst and Blackett announce as forthcoming " A Book about Doctors," in two volumes, by Mr. J. C. Jeaffreson ; and " Half-Hours with English Painters, from Hogarth to Turner," by Mr. G. W. Thorn- bury.
A " Sketch of the Life and Character of Sir Robert Peel," by the Right Honourable Sir Laurence Peel ; and "The Sea and its Living Wonders," by Dr. Hartwig, with illustrations is chromo-lithography by H. N. Humphreys, are promised by Messrs. Longman and Co.
A translation of M. Viollet-k-Due's " Military Architecture of the Middle Ages," by Mr. R. Macdermott, with a supplement by the Reve- rend C. H. Hartshorne, entitled "Notes on English Castles," is an- nounced as in preparation by Messrs. J. H. and J. Parker.
Among scientific works now preparing are " The Romance of Natural History," by P. H. Gosse, Esq.; " A Glossary of Mineralogy," by Mr. W. H. Bnstowe ; and " A Glossary of Rocks," founded on Cotta's " Ges- teinlehre," by the same author. The first of these works will be pub- lished by-Messrs. Nisbet and Co. ; the latter two by Messrs. Longman and Co.
Two important contributions to American history, the one "The Un- published Royalist Poetry of the Revolution," edited, with notes and in- troduction, by Mr. Winthrop Sargent; the other " Burgoyne's Orderly Book during the Campaign of 1777," are announced as forthcoming by Messrs. Munson and Co., Albany, U.S.
Three new daily papers are about to be published in the city of New York, from the first of June next. The first is to be a religious journal, is- sued by the proprietors of The Churchman, the organ of the Episcopal party ; the second, a commercial journal, to be edited by Mr. Spaulding, for- merly of the Courier and Inquirer; and the third, a literary-pictorial paper, after the model of Harper's Weekly.
"Les Chants Populaires de la Grew Modern," by Count de Mar- cellus, has just been issued by Michd Levy, freres, Paris. . The last volumes (of twenty) of the complete works of Schiller and Goethe, translated by Messrs. Adolphe Regnier, of the Institut, and Jacques Porchat, have been published this week by Messrs. Hachette and Co.
A splendid series of illustrations to Dante's "Divine Commedia," by the Oelebrated Gustave Dore; and a volume of "Etudes Historiques sur Louie XI.," by M. Gaudefroid, are announced by M. Dentu, Paris.
Messrs. Hachette and Co., Paris, have added to the list of " Annuals ' they are publishing, three new ones, the first numbers of which were is- sued this week. They are, " L'Annee Musicale,":edithd by M. Scudo ; " L'Annee Agricole," by M. Reuse ; and "L'Annee Historique," by M. Zeller.
" Sybillinische Witter" (Sybilline Leaves), a new volume of songs and essays, by the veteran German poet, M. Drexler-Manfred, has been pro- duced by Sauerlander, Frankfort-on-the-Main. A series of sketches of the tribes of the Sahara, entitled "Die Wiisten- gager" (The Hunters of the Desert), by Hans Wachenhusen, has been published, in two volumes, by R. Wagner, Berlin.
The first portion of a new translation of the Bible into the vernacular Russian, has just been published at St. Petersburg. It comprises the Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Luke, translated from the original Greek.
A new journal, called the Rainbow, printed in the French, Russian, and Armenian languages, in parallel columns, has been established in the town of Theodosia, in the Crimea. It is edited by an Armenian bishop, M. Aivasoffski, and intended chiefly to furnish commercial and scientific news.
Antonio's Franchi's " LaoReligione del Secolo ILLIE,"—" The Religion of the 19th Century," has been republished at Lausanne, with additions and corrections.
At Venice, A. Somma, an Italian author of some repute, has published a new classical tragedy, called " Cassandra." Brigole, of Milan, has just published an interesting work by Cesare Rovighi, "The History of the Third Division of the Sardinian Army in the War of 1859," with portraits and topographical maps. Count Bartolommeo Borghesi, a cele- brated antiquarian, and the author of many archeological works of Euro- pean renown, died in the small Republic of San Marino, on the 16th of this month, at the advanced age of eighty.