Some time ago, the British Quarterly Review (the disappearance of
which many will regret, if only on account of the excellence of the short literary notices that used to appear in it) and the Con- gregationalist were incorporated in the Congregational Review, a monthly magazine which is under the editorship of the Rev. J. Guinness Rogers. The new experiment has been tried long enough for judgment to be passed on its character. The articles that appear in the monthly magazine are not nearly so varied in their character, nor are they so favourably dis- tinguished by literary taste, as were the papers which commonly appeared in the quarterly, that Dr. Alton used to edit. There is, however, combative vigour and decision in the articles, as might be expected in a periodical edited by one who has been a Noncon- formist man of war from his youth up like Mr. Rogers. But do all his constituents approve of his publishing in an ostensibly de- nominational magazine like this, articles setting forth "The Case against Coercion"? We cannot say much for the serial story, "The Enthusiast," which is running in the Congregational ;Review, or for its hero. He is too impulsive.