SIR,—As one who took part in the advance of the Light Brigade of cavalry against the Russian batteries at Balaclava on October 25th, 1854, I wish to say that the statement that Lord Cardigan had a cigar in his month as he led his command into action is untrue. The 3rd Light Dragoons (now 3rd Hussars) never landed in the Crimea. Lord Cardigan's verbal command, "The Brigade will advance—walk—march—trot," is as vivid in my recollection as upon the day he uttered it. No trumpet- sound heralded the Brigade into action, and no officer has ever lent himself to that popular fiction. When formed up for the advance, my regiment, the 11th Prince Albert's Own Hussars, was upon the left of the leading line, and I had a very clear view of his Lordship. We (the 11th) at the moment prior to advanc- ing were ordered to fall back, forming the second line, the 8th Hussars forming a third. Referring to the trumpet-sounding fiction, the late Colonel Treve13-an, who rode into "the valley of death" as a subaltern of the 11th Hussars, remarked to me some years ago: "Pennington, these lies are like old soldiers; they die hard."—I am, Sir, Ix., W. H. PENNINGTON. 2 Arnold Road, Tottenham, N.