28 APRIL 1979, Page 34


No. 1062: Supper with Tupper

Set by Harrison Everard: In The New Oxford Book of Light Verse there is Anthony Brodd's 'Breakfast with Gerard Manley Hopkins'. Can we have other meals, please, with famous poets — 'Brunch with Wordsworth', 'A Wimpy with Byron', 'Tea with Swinburne,' or 'Elevenses with Stevie Smith,' say — in up to 20 lines of verse. Entries to 'Competition No. 1062' by 14 May. party' that has first had the intelligence to elect a woman leader. As for Mrs T. herself I cannot pretend to enthuse, and predict that the Tories will soon grow as tired of her rigid authoritarianism as they did of Heath's bad-mannered arrogance. In fact, in the full power and freedom of office, she will clearly fall prey to the fatal penchant of all females in positions of high authority — an intolerant and tactless bossiness ... I trust, dear Sidney, that while I am up here trying to din a little sense into the poor addlepated TUC, you are carefully abiding by all the directions as to your diet, clothing, working hours etc that I drew up before I left. I enclose herewith two sheets of supplementary instructions.

Four pounds each to the others printed and commendations for G.H. Harris's Queen Victoria and Molly Fitton's Mrs Pankhurst. A female Prime Minister! This undoubtedb would prove a novelty, if not a blessing, for the Country. There may be women who possess th. e, resolution and boldness we are told is essential for those who desire to govern us, but these alf not characteristics predominantly feminine.. woman moves more subtly than a man in gaining her ends. She employs gentle persuasion rather, than masculine bombast and coercion. My der' They say Margaret Thatcher admits to melting into tears at times of stress, a display effective within the domestic circle but not likely t° impress the populace. It is reported, too, that sb.e is rarely to be seen without her husband ;I/ attendance, thus emphasising the restrictive toe of the married woman. Whether a grocer's sh°1/ and an understanding of Chemistry provides the appropriate background for the leader of a Government I must leave you to decide.