STATE. or TeaDE.—From an the information we can collect, the
woollen trade genreally is in a prosperous and healthy state,—less profit- able, perhaps, but Much more stable than it has been for some years. The workmen are generally employed, and the wages, though low, con- tinue steady. The linen trade is in a state 'of great activity ; and the worsted stuff business at Halifax and Bradford, as well as in Leeds, is in a very wholesome state.—Leeds Mercury. Notwithstanding the heavy and almost incessant rain, the wheat harvest in this neighbourhood has made occasional progress, with less injury than might be supposed. The barley, not being yet cat, has SUS- tailed but little, if any damage.—Hampshira Telegraph. ktot AT RtODEISTINSTalt....■On Tuesday, a serious disturbano took place at hatitterminster,- on account of in], attempt of a manufac- turer, named Cooper, to-lower his workmen's wages. At. a meeting of the weavers, it was agreed that a deputation should wait on Mr. Cooper, to remonstrate with hint on the subject. ' They seem to have assumed a. hostile attitude, for on seeing them approach, Mr. Cooper armed himself with a crow-bar, for -the purpose of defence. It was taken from hint, but he was not injured. A workman who-had accepted Mr. Cooper's prices, did not escape so well; be was knocked down, and very severely beaten ; and the constables and. the High Bailiff, in an attempt to rescue him, were pelted in such a way that they were fain to fly for their lives. In the evening, the whole of the lamps were broken, as a preliminary to other mischief; the pipes were afterwards lighted, but they were also extinguished. A constable having given offence-to the mob, was obliged to retreat to a dram-shop ; the windows of which, were. instantly smashed to pieces. Some of the mob then shouted "To Cooper's !" The exhortation was acted on as soon as made :— the pavement in front of the offending manufacturer's house was torn up ; and the doors, windows, and a large portion of the furniture of the house, were immediately destroyed. From Mr. Cooper's the people proceeded to the houses of several other manufacturers, to those of the High Bailiff and the other Magistrates, all of which were similarly treated as that of Mr. Cooper. At the shop of Mr. Goff the silks, mus. Has, and cloths were wantonly torn, thrown into the street, part of them trodden under foot, and part of them carried off. Late in the night, some spirited attempts to put an end to these disgraceful dis- turbances were made ; and aided by the rain, they were pretty successful. In the morning, a detachment of cavalry from Birmingham entered the town. The crowd scampered off as soon as the soldiers appeared ; but in the course. of the day they reassembled in great force, and the mili- tary were compelled to clear the streets by galloping up and down in every direction. Some of the men had gone so far as to propose setting fire to their employers' houses. The riot seems to have been suppressed, however, without any attempt to put these threats into execution. On Thursday all was quiet. TEE HAavEse.—The corritarvest has -commenced upon some of the most forward lands in Yorkshire, but it has not yet become general. As far as our observation and inquiries have extended, we should take the character of the approaching harvest to be this.—On dry lands there will be good crops ; but on damp heavy soils the crops will be deficient, the seed.having in many cases perished in the ground. On the whole, we think the wheat crops will be rather under than over an average of years. Beans will be deplorably deficient in corn, but abundant in straw ; but oats and barley will prove rather above an average crop. Potatoes are small, and will scarcely yield as much food as usual.—Leeds Mercury.