LANDING or THE EX-RING OF PRANCE —Charles and his "hun- dred
knights" landed at Poole on Monday, and immediately proceeded to Lulworth Castle. Some of the suite had landed the previous day. The assemblage on the quay on Monday was considerable ; and the fears of Charles seem to have been excited by so formidable an appearance of welcome—he landed on Hamworthy side of the quay. The ladies of the party landed at the quay, and afterwards walked over the town. The Courier says that Charles was carried from his boat to the carriage, and that the persons who carried him gave him three cheers. The Dorset County Chronicle mentions neither cheers nor chairing ; but if, as is most likely, Charles paid his bearers handsomely, we have no doubt that he got three cheers ; and had Old Nick landed, he would, on such a con- sideration, have been as graciously received, and his train would have been as carefully kept from the ground. The Courier talks of the age and mis- fortune of the ex-King, as if his misfortunes had been the result of una- voidable accident ; and speaks of the true John Bull feeling towards him as a proper answer to Mr. Brougham's speech. We have heard so many feelings called John Bull feelings, and so many modes of express- ing them called John Bull modes, that we are at a loss to say what are and what are not appropriate to that personage. It must be, we rather think, obvious to the understanding even of a bull-calf, that Charles is either the most absolute idiot, or the most absolute scoundrel of which modern history presents an example. Take him in his headless, or take him in his heartless character—the man who would raise a cry of welcome to such a visitor, is the most undiscriminating monster that ever brayed. If such a fellow should ever venture to huzza our own King, we would have him harked and handed over to Dr. Knox without even a Jedburgh jury. He would not be worthy of a trial even after he was hanged. We don't, however, believe there was such a blatant beast at Poole as the Courier talks of, the paid bearers always excepted. Insult, Charles received none ; nor is it fitting he should. But welcome, so far as the public accounts go, he received as little ; nor did he deserie any. He comes as an alien ; like an alien let him stay. We give him no blessing, no malediction : we reserve the one for the friends that we love, the other for enemies that we fear. Charles has no claim to our sympathies for good, none for evil. His aspirations after wickedness might have made him hateful had they been allied to courage; but hate supposes the power as well as the desire of mischief—he is too much of a coward to give occasion to so respectable a feeling as contempt. The Courier says well—we may give him our pity—he is undeserving of any thing higher. The Duchess de Berri a lady of excellent character, and the Duchess d'Angouleme seem to Lave received from the people of Poole the respectful attention to which they were entitled from their sex and from their misfortunes. We see something in the Dorset County Chro- nick about the mild prepossessing face of Charles. This is trash. He is a vulgar, unintellectual, round-shouldered man. The whole family are isarse-feetured ; there is nothing redeeming about them, not even the then. TnE EN-MINISTERS Or FRANCE.—It seems probable that all the Ministers will be sentenced to death, the absent par contisinace. It is not, however, supposed that the sentences will be executed; unless on Polignac and Peyronnet, nor on them if the projected' law, abolishing the punishment of death, shall have previously passed, which it possibly may. Their defence will of course turn on the legal interpretation of the Charter. If they can show that it left the sovereign free to do what he attempted to do, they must be acquitted ; but it will be difficult to show this even to an unprejudiced judge. From the proceedings already coins menced in the French Courts against the late Ministers, it does not sp.. pear that Government will be called on to confiscate their fortunes ; they will soon be pretty well confiscated without its assistance. The Gazette dPs Tribunau,v contains the report of an action by a female on the behalf of her children ihr the loss they have sustained by the death of their father, who was shot while going on his lawful business during the recent disturbances. The plaintiff argued, that the ordinances which led to the resistance of the people, and the firing of the gendarmerie and soldiers, were the illegal act of the Ministry, and concluded for 1000/. damages ; which were immediately given. The judgment was pro- nounced in default • but there seems no doubt that such an action is maintainable, and that hundreds of thousands of similar actions may be brought, whether the Ministers escape, with their heads or without them..
FRENCH GENTLEMEN or rim PaEss.—The Revue de Paris has published a list of the persons connected with the Parisian press who have been appointed to office under the new Government. Twenty.. seven cases are mentioned by the Revue, in which editors, principal and secondary, have been called not to subordinate but high offices. The Revue Francaise alone furnishes—M. Guizot, Minister of the Interior and Councillor of State ; the Duke de Broglie, Minister of Public In.. struction and of Worship ; M. Alexandre de LabordeS, Director of the Fine Arts ; M. Benjamin Constant, President of the Committee of Legis- lation in the Council of State ; SI. C. Dunover, Prefect of the Depart. meut de L'Allier. These are great names. It is but proper, however, to say, that the Constitutionnel denies altogether the statement of the Revue de Paris, so far as the Constitutionnel is concerned. Nine of its contributors have been called on to serve the public in any other capacity than their usual one.
SIR THOMAS BEEvOR AND MR. JAMES COBBETT.—These gentle- men waited on the Prefect of Paris at the Town-ball on Monday. They addressed the Prefect and Municipality in English. The address and deputation were very politely received, and the Prefect invited the tWo gentlemen to dine with him. The Times is angry at their meeting so much politeness from the Parisians. The address was a ridiculous enough affair, emanating as it did from a little party at an inn, that neither represented nor had the confidence of any fifty men in England ; but after all, when Sir Thomas and Mr. Cobbett had gone so far as Paris for the express purpose of paying a compliment, it was but common civility to give them a dinner in return.
THE REAL Porsionac.—A very incorrect paragraph, relative to Prince Polig-nac,. was inadvertently copied into our last, from the cos lumns of a contemporary. It was there stated., that he was the illegitis mate son of Charles the Tenth. The Prince de Polignac is one of the sons of the Duke de Polignac, whose lady was the bosom friend of -Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, and governess to the royal chil- dren. The Duke and Duchess, and their children emigrated at an early
Period of the French Revolution, along with the then Count d'Artois and his family. The Duehes died in Vienna in 1793; and the Duke and his children afterwards went to Russia, where they spent some years in the Ukraine. When the Count d'Artois came to reside at Holyrood House, the young Polignac formed part of his suite. Afterwards, in 1804, Armand, the elder, and Jules (the present Prince) Polignac, were two of the party with the famous Georges, who landed on the coast of France, and made their way to Paris, where, along with Pichegru and Moreau, they engaged in a plan to overturn the government of Bonaparte. The police finally discovered them ; and they were all taken, tried, and condemned to death. Through the intercession of Josephine, however, the lives of Armand and Jules Polignac were saved, and their punish- ment commuted into a lengthened imprisonment from which they only escaped in 1813, when they again joined the exiled Royal family, and accompanied the Count d'Artois when he entered France at the Restora- tion in 1814. The Duke de Polignac, the father, died in 1817, and Armand, the elder brother, subsequently. On Jules being created a peer by Louis the Eighteenth, he refused to take the oath which was at that time taken by the other members of the Chamber. The title of Prince was conferred upon him, if we recollect rightly, since Charles the Tenth's accession to the -throne. Prince Polignac's first wife was a Miss Campbell, with whom, we believe, he had, a considerable fortune. After being some years a widower, he was remarried not long since, if we are not mistaken to the daughter of a British Peer.* When the Count d'Artois lived at Holyrood House, there was. a Madame or Countess de Polestron' considered to stand in the relation to his Royal Highness, mentioned by our contemporary, and who lived in the house at Croftan-Righ. The lady had a son named Louis, who was educated at the High School, and also attended Madame Rosignol's dancing- school ; where, we dare say, the pranks alluded to may have been per. formed. This Louis de Polestron, we have been informed, is now. no more. The resemblance of the first part of the name to Polignac seems to have led the recollections of our contemporary's informant quite astray.—Caledonian Mercury. [We have, by the by, to thank the Mel.. cury for correcting an error in a matter-of-fact in our last. We said that there were no emigres in 1790. The Mercury justly observes that the first emigration took place under D'Artois in July 4789. Our be- lief in the Radstat story is not at all strengthened by the correction.] *She is the sister of Lord Rancliffe, an IrishPeer.—Times.
TRANsmIGRATIONS 'OF A SHIP ON THE ST amts.—The three-decker now building at Cherbourg forms a page in the history of France. This beautiful .vessel, when laid on. the stock in 1812, received the name of the presumptive heir of the crown of the French empire, and was called The King of Rome. In 1814, great was the eagerness to make every thing disappear that brought to recollection the Imperial Crovernme.nte -in particular proscribed names, and the ship was christened -the IkatUA Napoleon returned from Elba in 11115; and the King of Rome Telgned. again until the end of the hundred days, when the name Infleaibk Wag regained. DM when the of the Miracle, as she author of the Martyrs -vatted bins, was born, the flatterers re-baptized the vessel the Duke of Bordeata. Finally, still following the fortune of France, the Dike of Berthsaux is dismissed from the stern, and the vessel is now consecrated to the laurels of Friedland.—Constituliennel.
EETENT OF THE DUKE OF WEL LINGT ON'S PARTICIPATION IN THE SCHEMES OP POLIGNAC.—in the Morning Chronicle of Wednes- day, -we see a letter from Colonel Jones to the Editor, which gives what appears to be a circumstantial account of the connexion between the English and French Ministers. We can of course add nothing to the authority of this document, which must rest entirely on the character
of its patriotic author. Colonel Jones has ample opportunities of ate- • quiring knowledge on these subjects, and he is wholly above the sus-
picion of manufaeturing it. The account is curious, view it in what light we may. It runs thus :—" The Duke of Wellington is not to be accused of having formed the Polignac Administration, nor of having either planneJ or approved of the Ordthotances which re-dismissed the Chamber of Deputies, established the censorship of the Press, and vir- tually abrogated the Charter ; hut. that he was II:funned of every in. tended measure there is not the least doubt, and -that his sanction was sought is also equally positive. No one thing was projected without communication being formally made to him, and that he was fully in he confidence of the Ambassador here, and also of Prince Polignac, we can positively assert without any apprehension of denial. We have every reason to believe that he himself has acknowledged that he ap- proved of the appointment of Polignac to be First Minister, and that he had advised that ill-fated man; when he consulted him on the matter, to accept of the change proposed by Charles the Tenth. As we have heard the story, it runs thus :---The late King of France, dissatisfied with the Martignan Administration as being too liberal, and hateful to the Royal Family and the Congregationists, determined to he rid of it, and sent for Prince Polignac to hurry from this country to Paris, to form a new Administration agreeable to the views of the Tuileries. Prince Polignac at once communicated his master's wishes to the Duke of Wellington, and consulted him thereon. The Duke's advice was 4' Go, form your Administration, and do as I have done—put down all party—make yourself Minister for Foreign-Affairs, and then we can go on and settle the affair of Greece as agreeably and more readily than we have already begun it ;" the great Statesman-Duke totally forgetting that in France there Were only two parties—the Court and the People— and that the result of attempting to put down the latter would inevitably destroy the former. The Duke totally forgot there were no place-seeking, unprincipled Whigs, nor seivile, accommodating, boroughmongering Tories in Fraime, as he had found in England ; that there it was an indig- nant and virtuous people, against a wicked, ignorant, and bigoted family, who was in noways connected with them, and who bad been only forced upon them by the foreigner's bayonets, at a period of despair and disorga- nization' occasioned by military despotism. Though the Duke of Welling- ton was delighted that Polignac should be the Premier of France, yet he was confounded at the nomination of many of his colleagues, as he knew and felt they were and must be offensive to France ; but as the while answered his purposes, he did not remonstrate. Moreover, his then master, highly dissatisfied that the Representatives of the people slomld presume to 'lecture the royal authority of Majesty, warmly-ap- proved of his brother's conduct in dissolving them. Metternich, through his agent Appony, might have urged on Polignac and Charles to mea- sures of violence and treachery ; Wellington only advised them to be cautious how they moved. He was satisfied with the repeated assu- rances, that no resistance would be made by the people ; for ever was it repeated to him, when he expressed alarm—" La France ne se re- muera pas; il n'y aura point de remuement—il n'y aura qua quelques mauvaises eves qui s'y opposeront ; nous les mettrons bas; l'armee eat a nous ; nous pouvons nous y tier." The King, his Family, his Ministers, and his rotten Court, fully relied on their own supreme power, the fi- delity of the soldiery, and the passiveness of the people ; so much so, that they made no preparation for resistance, and a few days only were required to overwhelm them."