" Here's a health to King William, God bless him."
A National Song. Written for Mr. BRAHAM, and sung at all public and con- vivial parties throughout the United Kingdom. By G. W. MADISON'.
'We have given this title at length, in order to expose a system of discreditable puffing and falsehood which is getting very prevalent. A person of the name of CAMIIS published an ode on the death of the late King, which he had the unblushing impudence to state, on its title, was "performed at the Philharmonic Society's Concerts." We should be glad to learn by what authority Mr. BRAHAM'S name is connected with this song. Mr. MADISON knows very well that Mr. Beeman never sung it, and most probably never will. He is announced for loyal songs of this kind at the Festivals both of Norwich and Worcester, but not for that of Mr. MADISON. The probability is, that be never saw or heard of it.