28 AUGUST 1841, Page 22



(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Alabama (Sterling) 5p. Ct.f - Ditto (Deferred) 6p. Ct.

Arkansas (1863). 6 - - Ditto 6 Austrian 5 - 1095 Ditto (Deferred) .... 6 -

Belgian 5 - Michigan 6 Brazilian 6 674 Missisvippi (Sterling)... 5 -

Buenos Ayres 6 - - Neapolitan s Cuba 6 - 70 New York (1855) 5 - Civilian 6 - 71 Ohio 6 - Columbian of 1824 6 - 20/ Pennsylvania 5 Danish 3 - 794 Pernviau 6 -

511 Portuguese 3 - 1014 Ditto 5 -721. 75c. Ditto (New) 5 - Russkie 5 - 5 -


(Last Officio: Quotation during ti e Mines-

Bolan°. Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. Julia del Rey) British Iron Cate Branca


Cobre Copper


Eastern Counties Grand Junction Great Western Liverpool and Manchester

London and Brighton

London and Blackwell London and Greenwich

London and Birmingham.... London and South-Western

London and Croydon Manchester and Leeds Midland Counties North Midland . South Eastern and Dover BULLION. METALS.

Gold, Foreign In liars .....per °a 31. 17s. 94. Copper,Rettlsb Oekes..per roe 971. Os. to NIL 0., Old Sponi.li or Pillar Dollars 0 0 U Iron It Pdr. 6 17 6- 0 0 • 1 an Dollars 0 4 10i Lead, iti.h Pig 20 0 0- 20 1 Silver in Bara, Standard Ilf I S4ec1, English 05 0 0- 80 0 GRAIN, MARK LANE, Aug. 27th.

Wheat, Red IfetrZOto 601 Rye 30 to 44

Fine 62 .. go, Barley 32 .. 35 White 53 .. 601 Malting 36 37 Floe Si .. 74,i Malts Ordinary'. 5it -• as

SuperoncIses 74 .. 761 Fine et St

Old 70 .. 741 Peas, Hog 115 .. 38


Per Quarter (Imperial) of England and Wares. I For the prevent Week. vim.. 615i sa I itve .... ... 36.. Id. I Wheat IA, 8.1 rye 15,0, Barley........ 34 5 ( Beans 41 • Barley 10 10 Beane 13 0 Oats .. . . .. CO 4 I Pe 4 44 3 Odts ..... .. .. It 3 Peas 3 6


Town-made for sack 60, to Cl..

Seconds 55 - 00

Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 50 - 55

Norfolk and Stockton 45 50

BRAN per quarter 0+4. 10 Os.

POLLARD, fine 0, to On, BREAD, 9d. to laid. the 411,. Lost.


Hay, G ond 94. . 105s Inferior 85 9t 75 44 0 0 Be..ClIncer 11500 94 .. ISO 60 .. 128 Si) .. 118 ISO .. 126 Swan, Wheat 48 .. 55 . 45 .. 50 us 45 46 .. 50

Choice Duo

Suouline Ditto k30 160 Chute susses Poegets BM Ito Middling

Kent Pockets ............. 100s. to 1405. I Scotch Reif HOPS. 180 320 Ware

per ten 04. so On. POTATOES.

O -0 O - 0 0 GROCERIES.

TEA, Bohol, p. lb. Es. Id. - Os. W. Congou, fine 2 11 -3 7 Souchong, fine in - 4 9 • In Bond-Duty Si.Id. per lb. COFFEE, tine (in.b4) per cwt. tits. 155..

Good Ordinary Hes 90s. SUGAR, Mureovedo-perent 36s. 40. West india Molasses .. 21s to 005. ed.

BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) Saturday Monday. Tuesday. Wedgies. Thurs.

894 894 894 891 891 894 894 891 895 891

891 891 891 894 891

99 99 981 981 981 984 981 981 984 98/ 124 121 121 121 121 168 169 168 169 168 247 - 247 13 pm. 14 17 17 15 - 6 pm. 6 5 3 3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account S per Cents. Reduced 34 per Cents. Reduced New 34 per Cents.

Long Annuities

Bank Stock, 7 per cent. India Stuck 104

Exchequer Bills 244, p. diem

India Bonds. 34 per cent.


894 891 891 99 984 12/ 168 247 17 5 Beef atuussa Veal Pork Lamb

• To rink the offnl-poralbs.


Beast., Sheep. Calves. Pig.. Friday • • ...... .. ........ .... 6..0 ..,. 8,270 BEd ..... ... Oft

148 615 BUTCHERS MEAT. NEITGATE AND LF.A DESNA I L.° SMITHFIELD.. 3.. 4d. to 8, 10d. to 47. 41. 3s. 4d.to se. AL In 40. 8d.

a G .. 4 0 .. 4 4 3 10 .. 4 8 5 0 3 8 4 4 .. 5 0- 4 8 .. 5 0 .. 5 2

3 8 ,„ 4 8 5 0 a 6 .. 0 0 ,,,, 5 6

4 8 .., 5 0 .. 5 6

Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders).24 - Ditto (Ditto) 5 - French 3 Ditto 5

Indiana (Sterling) 5 -

Illinois 6 - Kentucky 6

Louisiana (Sterling) 5 -

Maryland 6 - Massnehussetts(sterling)5 - Mexican 5 - -- Spanish - Ditto (Passive) - Ditto (Deferred) - South Carolina 5 p. Ct 75 ' Tennessee 6 - - United States Bank

26k Virginia.. 5



86 16


291 205




54 804 441 151 #31. 163 53 121 57 '77 65 174

Week, entliug Friday Evening.) Banks-

Australasian British North American



London and Westminster London Joint Stuck National of Ireland National Provincial Provincial of Ireland Union of Australia Union of Loudon

Docks- East and West. India

London St. Katherine

Miscellaneous- Australiau Agricultural

British American Land Canada General Steam South Australian Van Diemen's Land 544 34



98 991 70 93 98 Maple 83 to 41

White rc 39

Boiler. .... 38 40 Beans, Ticks. .48 .. 40 Old 45 44 . 40 42 Oats, Peed Ed to 24. Floe , 25 .. 26 Poland 47 Fine se . 23

Potato .3 .. 49

Fins 28 .. 110 PROVISIONS.

BUTTER-Best Fresh, 11111.6.1. per to.. Carlos, 41. las. to 41 IC., per est. BACON, Small New, per cwt. 59. to 64s.

CHEESE. Cheshire 745. to 04s. Derby, Plain /Os. to 76s.

H 151S, York /as. to 580. EGGS, French... per 1204s. 6d to S. Cd.

OILS, COALS. CANDLES. Itap. Oil per tun 444 6s.

Louse,) 45 0 Linseed Oil 31 it LIoseed Oil C41160.......T4IF 1000 is to CANDLES, per do,en, 70.0d. to S. 0. Moulds (id per doe. discount) 85. id.

COALS, Helton ors. Oil. Tees 20s. Ods