The Times announces the failure of Messrs. W, and J.
Woodley, in 9041s. sequences of speculations in corn-
" The liabilities are 90,0001., and it is understood-that the assets are certain to yield a considerable surplus. These chiefly consist of American corn and flour: an excess of 15,0001., it is alleged, would still remain after paying all parties. A few months back Mr. Woodley was about to retire from business with an ample fortune; and the present difficulties of the firm are attributed to the circumstance of a party who was sent to America to make purchases having exceeded his instructions.
" We have also from Liverpool," adds the Times, " the report of two failures— Messrs. J. and F. O'Neal and Co., and W. Rowett and Ca Both firms were in the corn-trade, but the liabilities in each instance are believed to be small."