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In addition to the failure of Messrs. Robinson, noticed in our last report, more than one insolvency of important firms has occurred since. The heaviest in amount, in London, is that of Messrs. Castellain and Sons; while in Liverpool that of Messrs. Lyon and Finney is equal iu magnitude to any yet revalued. These various calamities have had a very disastrous effect upon commercial credit, and scarcely a day has passed without the prevalence ot unfounded ru- mours of the failure of first-rate houses. A general indisposition to any.length- ened investments exists among capitalists; and though money is cheap in Lom- bard Street upon loans for short periods, discounts are difficult, and the negotia- tion of bills having more than two or three months to run impossible except at rates varying from 6 to 8 or even 10 per cent. The settlement of the Consul Account occurred yesterday; and the "continuation" was larger than it has been for a long time. The difference of price between Consols for Money and for the October Account was 4 per cent; that premium being curreutly given by the speculators to carry over stock till 18th October, At the price of the day, 864, it is equivalent to an interest of nearly per cent upon the capital employed; and during the extremity of the pressure, interest at the rate of 10 per cent per annum was given upon loans for a few days upon the security of English Stock. A very general feeling prevailed that the Bank Directors, at their usual weekly meeting, would have reduced the minimum rate of discount to 5 per cent; but this anticipation was not realized. They were very liberal, however, in their acoommodauon to the public, and advanced about 800,0001. by way of loan upon Stook and Exchequer Bills, to members of the Stock Exchange.
The prices of the English Securities have been well supported; and at the lowest the quotations were never more than 1, per cent below the closing quota- tions of last week: today they have in a great measure recovered the lost ground;
the last price being for-Moues 87i, and for the October Account 874 Ex- chequer Bills continue steady, and fluctuate between a smalialisconnt and a small premium, the average price being about par. In the Foreign Market, the business has been very unimportant, and prices generally lower. Mexican is the only Stock that has shown any tendency to ad- vance: this security is well supported in the expectation of favourable advice-1i by the met American packet, the closing quotation of today being 194.
Portuguese Bonds have been depressed to 24; Spanish Active to 19i, and Spanish Three per Cents to 29i : though no improvement has occurred in the
Pnotations today, the market may he considered firmer, especially for the ortuguese; and business to a limited extent may now be transacted at the current prices, which on one or two days lately has been impossible. The principal Railway Shares are nearly about last quotations. An improve- ment of about 51. per share may be noticed in the Norfolk line; the price having risen from 108 (the lowest quotation last week) to 113. The feeling of the pub- lic with regard to railways has undergone a complete change: the blind confi- dence with which every statement respecting them used to be received has given place to universal distrust. Every item in the accounts is now the subject of cavil: among other assertions, it is stated that great delusion exists in the ap- portionment of the charges, arising from the repair and replacement of the en- gines and carriages, and that large sums which ought to be charged against the revenue are transferred to the capital account. Acting upon the notoriety of these rumours, application was made by Mr. Slaughter, the Secretary of the Rail- way Department in the Stock Exchange, to the Secretary of the London and North-western Railway, for information upon the points in question; and a reply has been received, stating that though in the original outfit of the railway the carrying-stock was charged to capital account, its maintenance has since been always charged to the account of revenue; and so strictly has this principle been adhered to, that upon the recent amalgamation of the North-western, Liverpool and Manchester, and Grand Junction lines, stock which bad cost the Company 1,200,0001. was estimated to be worth within 70,0001. of the original cost. The publication of this statement has materially tended to allay the anxieties of many persons holding railway atock; the London and North-western being con- sidered as the pattern line, and as the model upon which most of the others have been formed.
The accounts of the Bank of England for the week ending the 21st instant exhibit, as compared with those of the previous week, the following variations. An excess is observable in the rest of 16,9951.; private deposits 472,5381.; seven- day and other bills, 10,3341.; notes unissued, 495,7751. On the other band, there is a diminution in the other deposits of 582,8551.; other securities, 565,0641.; notes issued, 33,5101.; :and in the gross amount of bullion, 47,1991. The total amount in store in both departments being 9,239,6181., against 9,286,8171. as given in the last return. The business transacted in the English Funds has been unim- portant; a disposition to sell Stock was observable at the opening of the market, and Consols for the Account were for a short time offered at 87i. A firmer appearance, is however, now observable, and the price is 87 for Money, and 871 for Account. There is no change in the Foreign Funds; and no business or fluctuations of importance ivithe Railway Shares; the attention of the jobbers and brokers being almost entirely absorbed by the preparations for the settle- ment of the Account on Tuesday next. Money is scarce, ranging from 5 to 8 per cent, and even higher upon some classes of security.
3 per Cent Consols 875 5 Danish 3 per Cents 85 7 Ditto for Account 875 5 Dutch 25 per Cents 555 6 5 3 per Cent Reduced 875 5 Ditto 4 per Cents.
89519 5
35 per Cents 89 5 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846...
Long Annuities 9 5 New Grenada
19 20
Bank Stock
Ditto 4 per Cents 1845 24 6 Exchequer Bills 1 4 pm. Peruvian 33 6 India Stock •
Russian 5 per Cents 110 112 Brazilian 5 per Cents 83 5 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 195 20 Belgian 45 per Cents 92 4 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 295 30 Buenos Ayres 6 per Cent.... 36 9 Venezuela 38 40 Chiliad 6 per Cents 90 2