28 AUGUST 1847, Page 20


ARRIVED-At Gravesend, 25th Aug. Ostrich. Smith, from Madras. In the Channel, 26th, Rookery, Greg, from Port Phillip ; Wm. Mitchell, M`Lochlan, from Lombock ; Larkins, Santry, from Madras; and Rajasthan, Stewart, from Bombay. At Liverpool, 24th, Hudson, Mecklenburg, from Singapore; 26th, Manilla, Harrison, from Calcutta; and Phoenix, Graves ; and Quentin Leitch, Gray, from Bombay. In the Clyde, 21st, Argyle, M'Pherson, from Calcutta. At Havre, 22d, Wm. Hyde, Stewart, from Sydney. At Mauritius. -, Canada, Williams, from London. At Bombay, previous to the 7th July, Monarch, Dancanson ; and Coromandel, Gray, from London; Elizabeth Archer, Cothay ; and Earl of Chester, Blackstone, from Liverpool; and Lady Lilford, Scott, from Hartlepool. At Ceylon, 25th June, W. and J. Brown, Balaton, from London; and 30th, Tigris, Linton, from Falmouth. At Madras, previous to the 9th July, Mary Ann, Darke ; Windsor, Gregsou ; Senator, Scales; Plantagenet, Bird; and Fortescue, Pellatt, from London. At Calcutta, previous to 3d July, Alex. Baring, Wilson ; John Gray, M'Donald ; and W. Gibson, Alexander, from London • Princess Royal, Adamson; Duke of Wellington, Hargraves; and Berhampore, Smith,' from Liverpool; Majestic, Brown • and DeogaUM, Evans, from the Clyde ; and Dutchess of Buccleuch, Collier, from Shields. At Maulmaln. '29th May, Walker, Hedwith, from Liverpool. At Ade! laide, previous to 6th May, Kingston, Harwood; Kalllbokka, Bayley; Phoebe, Dale; and Theresa, -, from London; Appleton, Oliver, from Swansea; and North Briton, -, from Leith. SAILED-From Gravesend, 21st Aug. Bell, Mitchell, for Calcutta ; and Appoline, Gardner, for Madras ; 23d, Sutlej, Campbell, for Calcutta ; 25th, Triumph, Bing, for Singapore; and Punjaub, Palmer, for Calcutta; and 26th, Doke of Bedford, Thornhill, for Ditto. I (SATURDAY Efoarurra.-AnaTVED-In the Downs, 27th Aug. Adelaide, Wharton, from Calcutta; Wellington, Vellacett, front Madras ; and Rambler, De Gruchy, from Mau- ritius. In the Channel, ditto, Caledonia, Liddell, from Sydney; George Heinrich, Heinrichsen, from Singapore; and Orient, Wales, from Mauritius. Off Liverpool, ditto, Louisa, Miller, from Bombay.