SO AT LAST it is simply the Guardian. I can
sympathise with my colleague Cyril Ray, a former inmate, when he complains that he has always referred to himself as a product of 'the MG' : will he now, to make himself understo have to refer to it simply as the G? But the char was overdue: in fact I fancy the only reason t Guardian waited so long to shed its region' qualification was the hope that it would soon printing simultaneously in London and Man chester, thereby enabling it to become more of national newspaper than it can hope to be wt printing arrangements as they are at present The unions, however, are determined not to alto simultaneous printing. They fear, with rease that the other national dailies would adopt t same process. They also fear, with less reaso that this would put compositors and oth printing workers on the dole. The record of t Newspaper Proprietors Association, of whi the Guardian appears to be an affiliated no member, is evidently not good enough to convin the printing unions that if they take the plua into the twentieth century, they will not he losers; and the change will not come, I imago' for many a long day. a
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