AmoNe the civilized nations of Christendom, the Governments celebrate the anniversary of Christmas by kind acts or soothing words. The journals of those countries are filled at present with the Christmas bounties of the Queen of England, or the seasonable liberalities of the Royal Family of France ; with royal speeches promising all sorts of fine things to their occasionally incredu- lous Legislative Chambers ; and with the annual renewal of the King of Prussia's promise, to grant some day some kind of con- stitution to his subjects. It would appear that the tastes of the Spanish people differ from those of civilized Europe—or that their Government thinks they do. The Spanish journals greet their readers with a "list of individuals who have been shot in Spain for political offences, from the 1st of December 1843 to the 13th of December 1844." The executions have been distributed pretty equally over the year, and the sum total of the victims is 214. Autos da fe have been suppressed, and bull-feasts reedered has perilous; but, to compensate the Spanish people for these depriea- tiona, periodical battues of politicians have been euluitituted.