The Saturday Review emulates the unscrupulousness of the American press
which it delights to expose in its dealings with the facts of the Northern cause. Last week, in an article on "Mr, Lincoln and the Slavery Difficulty," it libelled grossly, though we are sure unintentionally, one of the not very numerous sturdy politicians of the North. "General James Lane," says the writer, "the United States Senator for Kansas, andformerly leader of the border ruffians of Missouri having veered round from extreme pro-slavery fanaticism to the popular cause of abolition, elegantly de- clares that General. Halleck's assertion is a lie." The Satur- day reviewer has imagined this fact. General James H. Lane has always fonght on the free-soil side, and did so throughout the Kansas troubles of 1855-56. The Topeka Convention of 1855 elected General James H. Lane their president. He was appointed their general, and commanded the Free-State garrison of Lawrence during the border invasion of December, 1855. In August, 1856, he drove bacIE Atchison at the head of these Missouri ruffians. Nor has he ever deserted the Free-State party. It is painful to see writers, who have so often and so ably exposed the false facts of democratic agitators, snatching at the first effective statements that come in their way for the purpose of discrediting their op- ponents. It is unscrupulous Toryism which breeds un- scrupulous democracy.