lustria.—A writer in the Times sketches at considerable len g th the
efforts made to detach the lower races of Hungary from the Magyar cause. The effort has not been successful, though Croatia is divided and Transylvania partially hostile, for the majority of all races, Croats, Servo-Slays, and Wallachs, have pronounced more or less openly for continued union with Hungary. "The Vienna Government continues to collect all taxes in arrear by military force, that a most unpopular conscription, illegal accord- ing to the Hungarian constitution, and strongly condemned by the Diet, is enforced, and that, above all, a military Provisorium is riding with unlimited power. To this must be added a stringent system of repression and coercion directed against the press—the property and personal liberty of publishers, editors, and writers being alike at stake. Newspapers are constantly stopped on account of articles displeasing to the censor; sometimes they, are entirely prohibited from publication; even some of the more liberal Vienna papers have had impediments placed in the way of their admission to P'esth. Cer- tain foreign journals which circulate freely in Vienna are not allowed to enter Hungary. The system of police spies is carried to an extra- ordinary extent. The discontent throughout the country continues profound, and, although tranquillity is at present complete, it is secured only by the presence of a numerous army and by the pru- dence of the leaders of the Hungarian National party, who feel that the day has not yet arrived on which an insurrection would have a chance of success."