WARLIKE PREPARATIONS.—We told our readers so much last week of the con- stitution of the expedition to North America, that we have now little left to say. To the Staff the addition made daring the week has been Colonel Shadwell, who gives up the Great Exhibition to become Quartermaster-General in New Bruns- wick, where, with Major Burnaby, of the Royal Engineers, he will no doubt be most useful in piloting and facilitating the troops over the difficult ground they may have to traverse. - Most of the staff have taken their departure, the artillery are nearly all embarked, and four battalions of infantry have been got of in a very creditable manner. Another sails to-day, and three more in the course of next week. Until hostilities are actually declared no further body of troops are likely to be placed under orders. In that event we should think the authorities might naturally look to some of the fine regi- ments now in the Mediterranean garrisons—the 9th, 22nd, 25th, and 100th--- which could be sent across the Atlantic without delay in the vessels of war now at Gibraltar. Reinforcements will have to be sent to our numerous West Indian possessions, and we think it may be assumed as certain that a new brigade will almost immediately be added to the Artillery. The infantry battalions at home are about being strengthened, and altogether the authorities show a promptitude and vigour worthy of the occasion.—Army and Navy Gazette. Fit. Ream- IN Manalu.—Mr. Rarey has arrived at Madrid. A letter from the Spanish capital says: "Mr. Rarey, strange to say, does not appear to have roused the curiosity of the Caballeros, who possibly consider their knowledge of horseflesh already superior to that of all others. However he did perform before her Majesty Isabella and her Royal Consort, if report speaks truly, in white kid gloves and a dress coat, and having successfully calmed the fiery temperameet of two half wild Andalusian colts, received a donation of 2001., which must have sent him on his way with a full purse and a light heart. More.. over it is said he has challenged the rovers of the bull-ring to subdue, without the aid of matador weapon or Toledo blade, the wildest bull they can produce. Truly I should like to behold his prowess in the ring. If he succeeds, however, I fear that jealousy will prevent his attempt at a second. Anything, however, which would be the means of putting an end to the brutality disgraceful to a civilized nation, such as are the Sunday ball-fights at Madrid-- sometimes attended by royalty—and would assist in stemming the love of blood. and cruelty, would, I should imagine, be a source of gratification to all right- thinking people.'
THE AMERICAN DIF'FICULTL—The following memorial, addressed to TM-- count Palmerston and Earl Russell, is now in course of signature in the city of Dublin: "The Memorial of the undersigned Inhabitants of Dublin respectfully showeth : That, while feeling strongly the wrong which our country has sawed from the recent outrage, your memorialists regard with deep concern the prospect of war between this country and the United States. Your memorialists be respectfully to state their conviction that the present difference, arising from contrary interpretations of international law, is one peculiarly capable of adjustment by arbitration; considering that where no written law exists,. it is natural for two nations, at first, to take different views of the same- transaction, but which might readily be reconciled by discussion before a com- petent tribunal. Your memorialists feel assured that, whatever may be the other results of a war, it mast leave behind it the seeds of future bad feeling; bat. the arrangement of this difference by arbitration would cement the bonds of amity and lessen the danger of future differences connected with the right of search. Under these circumstances year memorialists would feel peculiar sorrow if a war should take place between two Christian nations so closely united by the ties of kindred, and therefore respectfully urge upon Government that a reference- to arbitration should be offered before appealing to the sword.