28 DECEMBER 1901, Page 16


SIR,—Either Mr. Dahymple's information or his arithmetic is defective (Spectator, December 21st). He says that "two-thirds of the Unionist Members for Scotland are Conservatives." The figures are twenty-one Conservatives to eighteen Liberal Unionists, so that the former have only seven-thirteenths of the Unionist representation. As regards the Liberal Unionist demonstration in the Glasgow City Hall, in which he says "the aid of the Conservatives had to be invoked to provide an audience to occupy the area and galleries," Mr. Dalrymple has been ludicrously misinformed. There could never have been at any time any difficulty in filling the City Hall with members of the Glasgow Liberal Unionist Associations to hear any leading Liberal Unionist statesman. In the case of the meeting in question, no doubt some tickets were allotted to Conservatives as friends and allies, many of whom had a desire to be present, but this was done—as on other occasions before and since—as a matter of grace and not of necessity. The courtesy is reciprocated by the Conservatives when they hold a mass meeting.—I am, Sir, &c.,