J. Howse and S. Groves, Aston, Warwickshire, manufacturers of Britannia-metal goods-W. Knight and J. Butler, Kensington, attornies-A.Backland and Co. New- Camberwell-J. and C. Stetrenoni, Brighton, jewellers-W. and I. James, Birmingham, grocers-T. Gillard and W. Cornish, Strand, printsellers-T. Dawson and E. Kettle, Claines, Worcestershire, glove-manufacturers-J. Chappell and T. Hemming, Bath, drapers-R. B. Leeson and Co. Cornwall-road, Lambeth, operative shsalists ; as far as regards '1'. Wilson,-T. and .1. Hodgkinson, and \V. Minshull- . and .1. Fardon, Alfred-place, Newington-causeway, merchants-E. Michell, and Co. Martin's-lane, Caution-street, and itedruth, Cornwall-G. and H. Nelson, Eller- ton, Yorkshire, farmers-H. Rolls and C. Griffin, Banbury, attornies-M.Critchfleld and M. A. Neave, Norwich, milliners-J. and S. Taite, Bermondsey New.road, tan- ners-C. Rinks and B. Dewson, jun. Liverpool-T. Kibble and .1. Manning, Graves- end, bricklayers-J. Knight and H. Lacy, Paternoster-row, booksellers-J. Hall and B. F. Barfoot, Old-street, St. Luke's, cabinet-manufacturers--Meade,S1'111ahon, and Co. Manchester, oil-merchants-T. and L. Ilawsthorne, Lancaster, attornies- J. Armstrong and '1'. IL Armistead, Burton-in-Kendal, Westmoreland, surgeons- F. F. Gibbs and E. buckle, Marla-lane, ship-brokers--Needhams and Renshaw, Not- tingham, lace-merchants-Townsend and Son, Lime-street, wine-merchants-A. W. Skinner and P. Carter, Greenhithe-ferry.
Feb. 24-EDWARD CORBET BESsELL, Cadogan-street, Sloane-street, Chelsea, music-professor.
tt's:Nay PTS.
GEoRGE DAnRir DERMOTT, Great Put teney.street, Golden-square, surgeon, to surrender March 6, la, April 7, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street: solicitor, Mr. Ashton, New-inn, Strand.
Josn u A 11 I. Royston, Hertfordshire, builder, March 6, 13. April 7, at the Bank- rupts' Court, Basinghall.street ; solicitor, Mr. Bolton, Austinfriars. JouN G ()ow iN Bowel NO, Fen-court, Fenchurch-street, East India broker, March 3, 10, April 7, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghail-street : solicitor Mr. Thomas, Fen-court, Fenchureh-street.
RICIIAED FITCH, Sible Hedingham, Essex, miller, March 5, 6. April 9, at the George Inn, Halstead : solicitor, Mr. Taylor, John-Street, Bedford-row.
TOPHAM Di NGLEY DAVIES, Chester-street, Grosvenor-place, surgeon, March 10, 20, April 7, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basingliall.street : solicitor, Messrs. Selby, Ser- leant's 4nn, Fleet-street. PATRICK T. and CHARLES VANE LIGHTFOOT, Copthall-court, stock-brokers, Starch 6, 10, April 7, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street ; solicitors, Messrs. Stephenson and Bateman, Southampton-buildings, Chancery-lane. WI set AM MAsON, st. Alhan'a, Hertfordshire, linendraper, Feb. 27, March 6, April 7, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Jones, Size-lane. JAMES DAY, Leeds, iron-merchant, March 2, 3, April 7, at the Court-house, Leeds solicitors, Messrs. Strangways and Walker, Barnard's-inn. Josef,» COCKELL Vicagas, Leeds, printer, March 9, 10, April 7, at the Court. house, Leeds solicitors, Messrs. Atkinson, Bolland, and' tkinson, Leeds. JOHN INTTINGER, Brighthelmstone, builder, March 6, 7, April 7, at the Old Ship Tavern, Brighthelmstoue : solicitor, Mr. Faithful, Brighthelmstone. JAMES ORMOND, Boston, Lincolnshire, baker, March 13, 14, April 7, at the Pea. cock Inn, Boston: solicitors, Messrs. Dawson and Hawkins, New Boswell-court, Lincoln's-inn.
WILLIAM BoNus, Ware, Hertfordshire, Inn-keeper, March 3, 10, April 7, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street: solicitors, Messrs. Adlington, Gregory, and Faulkner, Bedford-row. WILLIAM BOYCE CLARKE, Cheapside, silversmith, March 3, 6, April 7, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitor, Messrs. Bartlett and Beddome, NI. cholas.lane, Lombard-street.
HENRY PAYNE, Goulden-terrace White-conduit-fields, builder, Feb. 27, March 6, April 7, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitors, Messrs. Hutchison and 'meson, Crown-court, Threadneedle-street.
WILLIAM HENRY WALLIS, otherwise HENRY Wass's, Harpur-street, Red Lion-square, engraver, Feb. 27, March 10, April 7, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basing. hall-street : solicitor, Mr. Armstrong, St. John's-square, Clerkenwell. JOHN SEWELL, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, sail maker, March 12, 13, April 7, at the White Lion Inn, Norwich : solicitor, Dlr. Ashurst, Netvgate-street.
MARY MARIA FIERREPOINT, Edward-street, Portman-square, milliner, March 6, 13, April 7, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basiughall-street : solicitor, Mr. Shirreff, Salisbury-street, Strand. BENJAMIN Ross, Kingston-upon-Hull, spirit-merchant, March 2, 3, April 7, at the Cross Keys Ina, Kingston-upon-Hull : solicitors, Messrs. Rosser and Son, Gray's-inn-place, Holborn. ISAAC WALKER, Rochdale, Lancashire, corn-miller, March 25, 26, April 7, at the Albion Hotel, Rochdale: solicitors, Messrs. Norris, Allen, and Anthony, John- street, Bedford-row.
March 6, A., W. F., and R. Gibbon, Old City Chambers, and Aberdeen, merchants -March 6, J. Town, Croydon, innkeeper-Feb. 27, J. Littlewood, Rochdale, Sta- tioner-March 17, D. Evans, Mincing-lane, broker-March 6, W. H. Smith, Ken- nington, calico-printer-March 20, W. Aston, Mark-lane, ship-broker-March 17, J. alolyneux, Brighthelmstone, cupper-March 18, R. Marriott, Northampton, banker-March 24, J. Macgowan, Liverpool, bookseller-March 18, G. Seargill, Barnsley, Yorkshire, linen-manufacturer-March 23, J. White, jun. Bishopwear- mouth, Durham, iron-founder.
To be granted, vides:: cause be shown to the contrary on or before March 17.
W. Haviside, Jerusalem Coffee-house, master mariner-J. Williamson, Leicester, victualler-J. Gadsden, Austiufriars, provision. dealer-G. Mason, Pershure, Wor- cestershire, horse-dealer.
Friday, Feb 27.
T. Barnes and J. Barlow, Bread-street, and Lisbon, merchants-Rogers and Hum. phrys, Winchester, tailors-Goldin and Duncan, Halifax, milliners-O. S. Grey and J. Bolton, London, coffee-house-keepers-T. and W. Canine'', Doncaster, gun- makers-W. Copp and G. 1'. Tory, Exeter, linendrapers-J. Robinson and W. Clarke, Redditch, Worcestershire, builders-Stevens, Page, and Stevens, John- street, Hackney, Hish.street, Wapping, and Grosvenor-basin, Pimlico, blue lies cement-manufacturers-Read and Hall, Norwich, plasterers-J. Hine and J. W. Cragg, merchants--W. Hyland and Suns, Bunvash, Hooe, and Etchiugham, Sussex, fanners-S. and J. Michell, Brighthelmstone, schoolmistresses-R. Milner, J. Man- gles, J. Watson, F. Moss, W. Richardsou, B. I). Harrison T. Joy, T. Noton, C. Watsmi, J. Harrison, G. 1'. Bainbridge, A. Dove, AL DugelbY, P. Rymer, R. Hart- ley, W. G. North, J. Parsons, J. Simpson, J. Westland, York, Commercial Building Company-J. Oxley and Sons, Norwich, merchants-T. C. Howell and W. Straker, High Holborn, booksellers-T. and W. B. Baker, Upper Thames-street, wholesale grocers-H. D. Broughton, and J. Sutton, Lawton, Wheelock, and Roughwood, Cheshire, Shirleywieh, Staffordshire, and Shardlow, Derbyshire, salt-manufacturers -T. Baker and H. Fletcher, Finsbury-place, south, booksellers-Boultons and Petty, Threadneedle-street, Norway, merchants-A. Cook and E. Rutherford, Kirk- aldy, flax-spinners.-J. Ewbank and Co. Gibraltar-March Brothers, and Co. Rio de Janeiro ; as far as regards J. Ewbank-J. and J. Cock, St. Clement's, Cornwall, whitesmiths.
Feb. 26.-3 oseeu Wissrasrs and GEORGE GLOVER, Fenchureh-street, whole- sale coffee-dealers.
JAMES SMALLBONE, Berners-street, Oxford-street, auctioneer, from March lb. to March 20.
EDWARD Mortars, Woolwich, linendraper, to surrender March 6, 13, April l• at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghell-street : solicitor, Mr. Jones, Sise-lane, Buck- Ierls\l'jtUarY.I.IA:al HENRY BROWN, Newington, draper, March 3, 10, April 10, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basingliall-street : solicitor, Mr. Ashurst, Newgate-street.
Jolts: \VAL tea, Huddersfield, fancy cloth-manufacturer, March 9, 17, April la, at the office of Mr. Peace, Huddersfield : solicitors, Messrs. Dawson and Hawkins, New Boswell-court.
HENRY Rico, Liverpool, merchant, March 24, 25, April 10, at the Clarendon Rooms, Liverpool : solicitors, Messrs.13Iackstock and Dunce, King's Bench-walk, Temple..i 3I .IAM NEI.ES, Charlton Kings, Glocestershire, timber-merchant, March 10, yt
19, April 10, at Yearsley's Hotel, Cheltenham : solicitors, Messrs. Blunt, Roy, and. Blunt, Liverpool-street.
SAMUEL. Beier ox, sen. Palace-row, New-road, eating-house-keeper, March 10, April 10, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street solicitors, Messrs. Ewing- ton and Chilcote, Bond-court, Walbrook.
GEORGE NEWMAN, Stockwell-park, Surrey, cow-keeper, March 3, 13, April 10, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street solicitor, Mr. Sarson, Bridge-street, Southwark.
ItteatAan MA: venom', Southwold, Suffolk, timber-merchant, March 18, 19, April 10, at the office of Messrs. Wood and Son, Woodbridge : solicitors, Messrs. Bromley, Gray's-inn-square.
HOBERT EVENNETT, Wardrobe-place, Doctors'-commons, and Kingsland-road- wharf, coal-merchant, March 6, 13, April 10, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall- street : solicitor, Mr. Teague, Cannon-street.
Join: BYNNER, Long-acre, and Tothiil street, Westminster, grocer, March 6, 13, April 10, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Walker,. Glocester-street, Queen-square.
HENRY swam., Threadneedle-street, grocer, March 10, 20, April 10, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Dices, Austinfriars.
CHAILLES THOMAS EDWARDS, Aldgate, chemist, March 3, 13, April 10, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Taylor, Fenn-oourt, Fenchurth. street.
HENRY CHARLES WATKINS, Liverpool, cotton-broker, March 24, 25, April 10; at the Clarendon Rooms, Liverpool - solicitors, Messrs. Blackstock and Dunce, King's Bench-walk, Temple.
JolIN MORLEY, Great Yarmouth, miller, Starch 9, 10, April 10, at the Star. Tavern, Great Yarmouth : solicitors, Messrs. and Borrett, Great St- Helen's JAMES ALEXANDER HENDERSON, Talbot-court, wine-merchant, March 6, 13, April 10, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basingliall-street : solicitor, Mr. Gates, Lom- bard-street.
BENJAMIN DRAPER and HENRY BACK, Margate, grocers, Marcia 6, 13, April 10, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basingliall-street : solicitor, Mr. Paterson, Mincing- lane.
March 24, J. Parkes, jun., Mark-lane, and Layton, Essex, sacking-merchant- March 27, A. Smith anal T. Kitchingman, Wood-street, Cheapside, Black wellhall. factors-March 24, W. Miles, Regent-street, upholder-Starch 18, W. Ashwin, Red- ditch, Worcestershire, grocer-March 20. E. A. Walkling, Bath, draper-March 19, J. L. Brown, Bath, draper.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary ore or before March 20.
W. H. Smith, Kennington, calico-printer-J. Harrison, Wigan, Lancashire, inn- keeper-W. Keen, Southend, Essex, linendraper-R. Smith, Birmingham, steel toy- maker-It. Barber, Upper Clapton, plumber-J. B. Beaumont, Newcastle-under- Lyme, common-brewer-B. Rowe, Whittlebury-street, Euston-square, builder-S. S. Porter, Exeter, cabinet-maker-W. Middlecoat, AValworth, coal-merchant-P. J. Delnuney, Regent-street, jeweller-Bt. Wigham, Red Lion-square, apothecary-J.
Sykes, Driglainiston, Yorkshire, audtster-T. Askani, Leeds, ironfo under.