STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EVENING.—The Settlement of the February account in Consois which took place on Thursday, proved adverse to the speculators for a rise in the Funds, and was indeed contrary to general expectation. The supply of Money Stock during the week had proved so much larger than was anticipated, that prices not only gave way considerably, but the Bulls, whose operations were further cramped by an increased scarcity of money, found great difficulty in _carrying over their purchases to the next account ; and had to pay at the rate of 5-16, 2, and in one or two instances 7-16 per cent. for the accom- modation. This is a totally different state of affairs from that which existed at the close of the January account, when Stock was so scarce that it actually bore a higher price for money than for time ; and it cer- tainly leads to the conclusion, that the public have been considerable sellers of Stock lately, but whether owing solely to the demand for money out of doors, or to political causes, or to both, we cannot pretend to say. The fact of the scarcity of money is undoubted ; and the in- creasing difficulties of the Corn speculations, having already caused some failures, and being likely to lead to more, may be expected, by the general distrust which they have excited to aggravate the evil.
The first price of the week for Consuls, both for money and the Fe. bruary account, was 87i, to 2; but yesterday it had fallen to 862. This morning the money price had recovered to 87 to 872 ; but was only 861 to 87 at the close of business. The price for the April account closed at 87* to 1, with a heavy market. All the heavy Stocks are lower ; and Exchequer Bills, which in the early part of the week had advanced to 65, are now only worth 56.
In the Foreign Market, nothing can be more deplorable than the condi- tion of the South American Stocks, which are all gradually sinking, and of late -without the slightest reaction. There are no later news from Mexico; yet the 6 per cent. Bonds of that State have fallen to 24f, and no considerable amount of Stock could be sold even at that price ; for the fact is, that the sale now-a-days of a few thousands of any of the South American Bonds immediately depresses the price a half or one per cent. Colombian Bonds are at about 18, Peruvian 13, Buenos Ayres 33 to 34. Brazil Bonds alone maintain any thing like steadiness; but even they arc not easily sold at more than 61.
Russian Stock was sold last week as high as 981, but is now nearly one per cent. lower. Danish is firm at last week's prices. Austrian Bonds have been sold, within a day or two, as high as 981. Portuguese, on the contrary, has fallen to 431 or 44 ;1 owing, we conclude, to the gradually increasing despondency of the holders.
The prices of all the Shares arc lower ; but there is nothing further to be remarked respecting them.
SATuarav, ONE o'CLocx.—Consols opened at 871 to with a heavy market, and by eleven o'clock had fallen to .86i for the account, and 861 for money ; attributed by some to the state of the poll at Oxford, but mainly oweing to the pressure of Money;Stock. At present the price is 862 to f for money, and 87 rather buyers, for the account, but the market is still heavy, and the heavy Stocks, as will be seen by the list, are also lower.
urrt3rt FUNDS. Bank Stock, div. per Cent.2112 3 per Cent. Reduced, 87# # 3 per Cent. Consols, 861 g jl 31 per Cent. 1818, 961 34 per Cent. Reduced, Si f 3 New 4 per Cents. 1822, Dna 4 per Cents. 1826, 1052
Long Annuities, (which expire 5th Jan. 1860) 20 19 15-16
India stock, div. 101 per Cent. 228 230 South Sea Stock, div. Si per Cent. India Bonds, (4 per Cent. until March, 1829, thereafter3perCent.) 55 pin Exchequer Bills, (interest 2d. per Cent. per Diem,) 57 55 57 Consols fqr Account 871 861 871 57
Austrian Bonds, 5 per cent. Brazilian Bonds. 5 per cent. 61_61f Buenos Ayres 6 Cent. 33 34 Chaim, 6 per Cent. 21 22 Colombian, 17 Ditto, 1824, 6 per Cent. 18 18f Danish, 3 per Cent. ti41 French rt per Cents. Ditto 3 per Cents. Greek 5 per Cent. Mexican 6 per Cent 231 Neapolitan 5 per Cent. Peruvian. 6 per Cent. 13 11 Portuguese, 5 per Cent. 431 4 I Prussian, Russian, 971 # Spanish, 9/
Anglo-Mexican, 201. 221. 10s, Brazilian, Imperial, 561. 581. Real Del Monte,
Colombian, 101.
United Mexican, 121. 10s. 131.