For Lord Derby's Motion—Peers Present: Duke of Montrose ; Marquises of Bath, Exeter, Salisbury ; Earls of Aberdeen, Belmore, Carnarvon, Chesterfield, Darnley, Delawarr, Derby, Desert, Eglintoun, Erne, Ellenborough, Grey, Hardwicke, Kingston, Locate, Longford, Mabnesbury, Mortungton, Nelson, Portarlington,: Romney, Sandwich, Stanhope; Viscounts Castlemaine, Dungannon,
Exmouth, Gage, Hill ; Bishop of Oxford; Barons Abinger, Blaney, Bemers, Colville of Cuirass, Colchester, Dunsandle, Faversham, Gmntley, Lyndhurst, Lyttelton, Polwarth, Monteagle, Redesdale, Raglan, Rayleigh, St. Leonardo, Sondes, Tenterden, Wynford. Frolics: Dukes of Cleveland, Hamilton and Brandon, Northumberland, Richmond ; Marquises of Bristol, Ely ; Earls of Aylesford, Abergavenny Buckinghamshire, Beverley, Crawford, Cathcart, Clancarty, Dartmouth, Donough more, Ferrero, Guildford, Howe, Haddington, Leitrim, Leven and Melville, Lauderdale, Mansfield, Mayo, Orford, Onslow, Powlett, Fowls, Ranfarly, Rosalyn, Stradbroke, Sheffield, Tankerville, Warwick: Viscounts Doneraile. Lifford ; Bishops of Chichester, Salisbury ; Barons Berwick, Begot, Bayning, Cloncurry, Clarion, Clonbrock, Douglas, De Has, Dynevor, Farnham, Kenyon, Misname, Northwick, Rodney, Sandys, Sinclair, Walsingham, Willoughby de Broke.
Against Lord Derby's Mution-Prcsent: Duke of Cambridge, Lord Chancellor, Archbishop of Canterbury • Dukes of Argyll, Norfolk, Wellington ; Marquise. of Ailesbury, Abercorn, Bre;dalbane, Camden, Clanricarde, Townshend ; Earls of Abingdon, Airlie, Albemarle, Bessborough, Burlington, Canaperdown, Chichester, Clarendon, Cork, Ducie, Fingall, Granville, Harrowby, Kingston, Munster, Scar-borough, Spencer, Shelburne, St. Germains. Shaftesbury, Yarborough ; Viscounts Enfield, Falkland, Sydney, Torrington; Bishops of Bath and Wells, Carlisle, Gloucester, London, Manchester; Barons Aveland, Arundell, Belper, Byron, Broughton, Camoys, Carew, Carrington, Cremorne, De Tabley, Deere, Dufferin,Foley, Glenelg, Hatherten, Leigh, Lilford, Methuen, Mostyn, Overstone, Panmure, Rivers, Saye and • Sele, Stafford, Stanley of Alderley, Truro, Talbot de Malahide, Vivian, Wrottesley, Wensleydale. Proxies: Dukes of Devonshire, Leeds, Leinster, Marlborough, Boxburgh; Marquises of Headfort, Londonderry, Northampton, Sligo, Westminster; 'Earls of Amherst, Carlisle, Cattenham, Denbigh, Devon, Errol, Effingham, Essex, Fitzhardinge, Fortescue, Glasgow, Gosford, Granard, Kenmare, Kintore, Lindsey, .Leicester; Meath, Morley, Ripon, Rosebery-, Stair, Waldegrave, Zetiand ; Viscount Massareene ; Bishops of Down, Durham, Hereford, Lichfield, Peterborough, St. Asaph, Winchester, Worcester; Barons Alvanley, Ashburton, Belhaven, Brougham, 'Cowley, Crewe, Churchill, Dunfermline, Dorchester, Denman, Erskine, Gardner, HOward de Walden, Harris, Bowden, Keane, Kinnaird, Lovat, Lyons, Londesborough, Monson, Manners, Portman, Petre, Itossmore, Sudeley, Seaton, Stuart 'Sc Deciee, Vernon, Ward, Whtimcliffe, Wodehouse.