14t 3Jant.
FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, FEBRUARY 17. ADMIRALTY, Feb. 14.-Rear-Admiral of the White P. Richards, C.B. having in pursuance other Majesty's Order in Council of the 30th Jan. 1856, been removed to a reserved list, which is to consist of flag-offieers holding appointments in Greenwich Hospital, the following promotions, dated this day, have taken place-RearAdmiral of the Blue H. Smith, C.B. to im Ilear-Admiral of the White; Capt. R. Fitzroy, Capt. the Hon. J. F. F. de Boo, Capt. C. It, Swinburne, to be RearAdmirals on the Reserved list; Capt. J. Him, C.B. to be Rear-Admiral of the Blue. The following Captains on the Retired List have also been promoted to be Retired Rear-Admirals, ou the terms proposed in the London Gazette of the lot of Sept. 1846, without increase of pay-Capts. A. M. Hawkins,.!. Drake, E. A. Frank FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, FEBRUARY 24.
Aemasms. Feb. 20,-Corps of Royal Marines-The following promotions have this day taken place under her Majesty's Order in Council of the lath September 1854, in consequence of the death oh' Lieut.-Gen. Sir Jolui Owen, K.C.B. on the fixed establishment of general officers of the Royal Marines, yiz.-Major-Gen. S. B. Ellis, C.B. to be Lieut.-Gen.; Col.-Commandant F. Graham, 0.13. to be Major-Gen. vice Ellis, promoted.
Brevet-In consequence of the promotion of Major-General Graham, the undermentioned officers, on the retired full-pay list of the Royal Marines, to be MajorGenerals, Major-General Graham having stood below them on the effective establishment of the corps when they retired. viz.-Brevet-Col. J. Clark ; Brevet-Col. J. Tothill.
Corps of Royal Ifarines-Col. Second Commandant T. Hurdle, C.B. to be Col.Commandant, vice Graham, promoted ; Lieut.-Col. A. Anderson to be Col. SecondCommandant, vice Hurdle, promoted ; Brevet-Lieut.-Col. G. C. Langley, AssistsAdjt.-Gen. of the Corps, to be Lieut.-Col, under the provisions of her Majesty's Order in Council, lath September 1854; Capt. G. W. Congdon to be Lieut.-Col. MS Anderson, promoted.