The Discoveries of the World. By Antonio Galvano. Edited by
Vice- Admiral Bethune, C.B. (Hakluyt Socicty.)—This is precisely one of those works the publication of which comes directly within the scope of a society whose object is the dissemination of out-of-the-way informa- tion on geographical subjects. It was originally written in the Portu- guese language, about the middle of the sixteenth century, and an English version of it was published by Hakluyt himself in 1601. Hak- luyt does not appear ever to have seen the original, his version having been taken from one which, he tolls us, "was done into our language by some honest and well-affected marchant of our nation." The Hakluyt Society, more fortunate than its patron, has at last met with a copy of the original work, published in 1363, and believed to be unique. It belongs to an American gentleman, Mr. J. C. Brown, of Providence, Rhode Island, who has kindly allowed a copy to be made of it, from which the Portuguese text which accompanies this edition has been printed. Tho English version is a reproduction of Hakluyt's, with such additions as an examination of the original has rendered necessary. The book is quaint and interesting. .