28 FEBRUARY 1941, Page 12


Sta,—The New Statesman, Nation, &c., commenting upon (but not printing) a letter I sent to its editor last week, says: "I cannot guess why Mr. Herbert thinks that the readers of Punch' will like to have The Spectator so often described as ' the bilious weekly.'"

I hasten to assure you, Sir, that when I .write about The Bilious Weekly I have not Punch's old friend The Spectator in mind. If I had sent you a brief letter to correct two inaccurate statements in your paper (improbable scene!), giving the relevant texts in full, you would, I think, unlike The Bilious Weekly, have printed the letter, and not merely commented upon it in such a manner as to increase your readers' confusion and expose yourself to a charge of dishonesty as well as inaccuracy.

I have the honour to be, Sir, your obedient servant,

[The heading of this letter is Mr. Herbert's.—En., The Spectated