28 FEBRUARY 1941, Page 2

Mr. Menzies in London

The visit of Mr. Menzies, Prime Minister of the Australian Commonwealth, comes at a time when the splendid achieve- .meats of the Australian forces in Africa are still fresh in our minds, and when we have just been hearing of the arrival d another force in Singapore to defend a critical outpost ei Empire in the Far East. Mr. Menzies has flown thany thousands of miles to bring to us his message of unstinted 03. operation. On his way he has visited the scenes of victory is Egypt and Libya and the men who accomplished it. He is abk to assure our Government, not only of what has already be done in his country to equip it for war, but of the still grease measures planned for the future. Australia is mobilising flu resources for total war as never before in her history. In ebe manufacture of guns, aircraft, armoured vehicles, ammonium. ships, and all the stores needed for the equipment of artned forces she has been no less busy than in the training of tel to fight in the services. She has been taxing her people head!. and erecting new factories for large-scale production, cream! new sources of supply for the Empire at the other end of the world. In addition to the expeditionary forces which she Is, fitting out to engage the common enemy, she has a problem! defence which did not present itself in the last war—that aria from the threatening attitude of Japan. It is well that Mt Menzies has come, at a critical moment in Far Eastern dirt' macy, to confer with our Government about the motel problem, as well as about all the Imperial problems wh:c11 aR as much the concern of the Dominions as of- this coon*