'SPECTATOR' COMPETITION FOR SCHOOLS The prizes in this competition, announced
in our Christmas Number, have now been awarded. From a large entry these winners have been selected:
Short story: Mary Ensor, aged sixteen, who is a pupil at St. Mary's' Convent, Ascot, Berkshire, for her story Epitaph.
Essay: Elizabeth MacFarquhar, aged seven- teen, who is a pupil at Brockenhurst Grammar - School, for Civilised Man in a Hurry.
Sonnet: Alison Clark, of Hillhead High School, Glasgow, for Time.
Each of these receives ten guineas.
The prize of eight guineas, for the most meritorious runner-up in any of the categories goes to William B. Sinton, of Kirkcaldy High School, Kirkcaldy, Fife, for his essay, All Men Are Born Equal.