Crossword no. 1367
1 Old transport which might be mistaken for a teacher of drama (5-5)
6 What alchemy can expose this mineral (4) 10 Little great around the bird for the destination of good poetic news (5) 11 How Wordsworth hints at the immortal state? (9) 12 That warm feeling following a sundowner? (9) 13 Right so-and-so is left in Italy? (5) 14 Exemplary females who demonstrate creations (5-5) 16 Able to be a Magyar (4) 18 What nonsense he wrote! (4) 20 If the bishop were eight he would eat one (10) 23 The first Pauliner (5) 24 Breaks in play (9)
27 Goliath joins the Royals, smothering a powerful mathematical term (9)
28 An artful trick (5) 29 Fleece the castle (4) 30 To debase is grown-up for a start (10) Down 1 Socratic initial (5) 2 Tea debt arrangement aided in wrongdoing (7) 3 Railway ten that is transformed completely (8) 4 College window (5) 5 South cows told to move round into sheep hills (9) 7 Painter as performer goes all continental (7) 8 Crow says a bird is about (9) 9 Frost turns south to encompass eastern chiefs (5) 14 The gentleman in black velvet starting to be- come particularly small (9) 15 I detain it to become made a member (9) 17 'Who fished the murex up? What - had John Keats?' (Browning) (8) 19 Gay. in music and Milton (7) 21 Bounder interrupts solo song in place of pastoral simplicity (7)
22 'Said John-it is my wedding-day, And all the world would -' (Cowper) (5)
25 Forenoon gets lit up in the oriental language (5) 26 On which one might find a serthon in stone? (5) Solution next week Solution to Crossword no. 1366. Across: 1 Side- step 5 Asleep 9 Sack-buts 10 People 12 Minerva 13 Alicant 14 Establishing 17 Multi-lateral 22 Elastic 23 Rose-red 24 Oriana 25 Inundate 26 Steeds 27 Asbestos. Down : 1 Sesame 2 Dicing 3 Suburbs 4 Extravagance 6 Species 7 Emphatic 8 Prestige 11 Ball-bearings IS Emperors 16 Flea- bite 18 Intoned 19 Absence 20 Errant 21 Idlers.