All guilty?
Sir: As a Christian, I was nodding agreeMent with Alan Brien's article 'Crime and guilt', and thinking what unexpected people turn out to hold the same opinions as oneself, until I came to the last sentence. On What authority does he claim that Christians indignantly reject the charge that we are all guilty? Do his undefined humanists and subversives ever confess, solemnly and regularly, that they have erred and strayed from God's ways like lost sheep, left undone
those things that they ought to have done, and done those things that they ought not to have done? One thing Christians know for certain, and no other group comes anywhere near admitting, is that there is no health in us. It is part of what is meant by the doctrine of original sin. In my experience humanists often and subversives always blame somebody other than themselves; while the former do not believe that human nature is a fallen nature at all.
Peter Sheldon 212 Victoria Avenue, Hull