• Recent letters from Spain bring some additional particulars of
the fhll of the patriots TORRIJOS, CALDERON, and their compa- nions, at Malaga. The noble prisoners were kept for fifty-four hours before their execution without food ! TORRIJOS and Don MANOEL declared with their dying breath, that they had been seduced into the attempt for which they suffered, by letters from the Minister ZAMBRANO himself. When CALDERON was brought out, he exclaimed—" The day will come when, on the spot where this convent now stands, a monument will be raised to eternize the memory of those who are about to die; and those lands will become the patrimony of our posterity. Alas ! the earth groans and is troubled under the inflictions of Tyranny, and the cry of the blood of the martyrs to Liberty has ascended to heaven in many lands ; but the times of refreshing come not. The noble widow of TORRIJOS is at Paris. The Times gives the following copy of a letter from her to a friend in London. A more touching document it has not been our lot to place upon the file of our journal.
"Paris,19th January 1531
"I received your 'affectionate letter ; and though little capable of writ- ing, I cannot leave you without an answer, if it be only to tell you that I am much better than I wish to be, or thought I ever should be. You unaerstand the loss that I have sustained ; for you know how we lived together. You can also judge Of my grief, and that I desire not to survive the -man who formed my only happiness. " I am here, in a foreign land, and without the means of existence ; but that is the lastthing that occupies my thoughts : and although my friends ,are much alarMed for myftiture situation, I am indifferent about the matter, since nothing henceforth can make the least impression upon me,' after having lost my beloved Pepe and my country. " What! have now to beg of you is, that you will foru'ard to the Editor of the the accompanying letter from M. M--r ; and if you do not find it in- convenient, that you will also translate it, with a view to its being inserted as soon as posSibie. My sole object during the sad remnant of life which nave still to en- dure is, to prevent any misrepresentation which might darken the fame of my adorable husband; and that, indeed, is the only motive which compels me to an- swer the article in the above-mentioned journal. My bodily constitution, though etiong, begins to .sink,a change which I rejoice-at, for the solitary hope that now stiiiports use is, to folloW. to the grave him for whose sake only life once was
dear-to me. • - members • • " Return my best thanks to all the of your amiable family, and parti- cularly to my dear Charlotte ; and pity, and pray to God for, your unhappy •• . friend, Lcis.t Ds frgitail.TOS.
• Such -are the hearts which a creature •like FERDINAND. power to wring ! And it is for the purpose of supporting s doings abroad that a despised faction now struggles to ma
land extend abuses at home. We must cherish Sarum, forsooth, end be tenderly affectioned towards Gatton, that the most Catholic -king may shed the blood of the righteous and tear the shield of the widow without let or question I