In England, the Cholera has now extended to Sunderland, Newcastle,
Gateshead, North Shields, South Shields, Newham, Houghton-le-! Spring, Lemington, and various collieries and hamlets in the vicinity of Newcastle. In Scotland, it has extended to Haddington, seventeen miles—Tranent, nine miles—and Musselburgh, six miles east front Edinburgla On The whole, the progress of the • disease seems to in- cline towards the North. The deaths in Scotland, up to the 24th in- stant, were as 32 to 1 ; in England the proportion was 325 to 1 ; so that the disease seems to abate in severity as the season advances, con- trary to the received opinion. In Sunderland and Gateshead, it has almost ceased, and in Haddington also the number of cases hardly justi- fies a report ; in Newcastle the cases have been rather numerous, but they have also been mild.