The Marquis of Londonderry left town for Brighton yesterday morn-
ing soon after seven o'clock, with a petition to the King, numerously
signed, against the Reform Post.
Mr. Blackstone has abandoned his petition against the return of Mr. Leigh fbr the borough of Wallingford.
The following are the names of the Committee appointed to try the merits of the Forfarshire election petition—Mr. C. Cavendish, Mr. Petre, Mr. Burrard, Mr. Mangles, Mr. Peulcaze, Lord Valletort, .Mr. O'Neill, Sir R. Price, Sir Gray Skipwith, and Sir Clifford Con- stable. One vote of the sitting member has been struck off; two more wmtld give the petitioner against time return a majority.
Sir Charles Flint, who has been for many years at the head of the Irish !Aire as Resident Under-Secretary for Ireland, has retired.
His Majesty has been pleased to appoint General Sir John FrMsor to be a Gionti Cross of the Royal Guelphic Order. The interesting case of Scales agoinst the Court of Aldermen was fixed for Monday, but Mr. Follett yesterday obtained an enlargement of the rule until the last day of term.
A good-looking, respectable woman, was charged yesterday, at Queen Square, with bigamy. It appeared that she had married a sailor twelve years ago, who had disappeared some half a dozen years after ; and not having heard of him for a long time, she concluded of course that he was dead ; and in this belief married another man, the landlord of time Hat and Mitre. The sailor coming home at length, set about seeking for his Wife; and having found her quartered on a second . husband, a dispute very naturally occurred between the possessor and the owner for their right to the property in the lady. As both parties were attached to the woman, and consequently averse from prosecuting, the Magistrate allowed them to settle it their own way. The wife being umpire, it was decided that she should return to her first love, who had lost one arm in the battle of Navarino ; and the publican to his tap, to seek consolation for his bereavement as he best could.
The official statement published to-day on the subject of Cholera 'offirs.the following results. England—remaining, 172; total cases since the commencement of the disease, 2,704; total deaths, 843. Scotland- . remaining, 88; total cases since the commencement of the disease, 244; total deaths, 90. In England during the week, a considerable number of cases have been reported at Earsden Colliery. In Scotland, the disease noW extends from Westburns to Musselburgh in East Lothian, • a district of about twenty-seven miles in length.