THERE is a marvellous variety in the wits of the human species; so that for every occupation and station there are found correspond- ing geniuses. Coroner's Juries, if we may judge from their ver- dicts, ought to consist of men of most exquisite sagacity; for when a man is found drowned, it of course requires the wit of twelve men of no ordinary penetration, assisted by many wit- nesses, and by much wisdom of Mr. Coroner himself, to come to the conclusion that the man was found drowned. But the ideas which these good people entertain of insanity are most curious. They have no doubt heard that Great wits to madness are allied ; and therefore they conclude that every one who has more wit than themselves must be mad. Their modifications of madness are diverting : sometimes it is temporary insanity, as opposed to eternal insanity; and sometimes they pretend to find out the cause of insanity. A young man having been found hanging in a barn, the Coroner's Jury found out, that " The deceased hung himsefin a fit of temporary insanity, caused by too anxious an attention to business." Very kind verdict indeed ;—though it is a pity they did not state what constituted the excess of anxiety, that it might be a warning to others. Perhaps the next time they sit on such a ease, they will net only-find out the cause of the insanity which was the eanseof the suicide, but the cause of the anxiety which was-the quite.-ofsthe insanity which was the cause of the suicide.