The first few Numbers of HU LEMAN DEL'S Lithogrageic Drawing
Book, for the new year, have just appeared. This volume is announced to be entirely from the pencil of J. D. HARDING. The sketches in the Numbers before us are slight, but brilliant, and contain some beau- tiful bits of rustic scenery, with a variety of the most pleasing natural effects, characterized by truth and simplicity, and dashed off with the facility and spirit of the master-hand. They are principally useful as studies of composition and effect for the more advanced pupil ; for, though composed of simple elements, they have not that definiteness of form which is essential to the due understanding of his original by the very young learner. But as examples of Mr. HARDING's lighter style, and of the skill with which a few touches are made to indicate a com- plete picture, these numbers are valuable to every one who can appre- ciate a good drawing. Possessing them is like having a few leaves out of HARDING'S sketch-book. No one equals this artist in freedom, de- licacy, and character of touch, in trees, foliage, and foregrounds.