Elie Court.
TILE King aid not come to town on Monday as was expects d. The wily event of the week at the Pavilion, has been a so nievilit melan- choly one. On Wednesday, Mr. Greenwood, of the well-known house of Cox and Greenwood, while dining with his Majesty, suddenly com- plained of a pain in his head, and in a few minutes after expired. He was a very cid man—one account says ninety.
There has been considerable discussion in the newspapers during the week on the subject of the Duke of Sussex's marriage with the late Lady Augusta Murray ; and an attempt on the part of Sir Augustus d'Estc and his sister to prove its legality,—or rather, to perpetuate, by all application to Chancery, what they deem proof of its legality. The marriage, it is well known, was celebrated in Italy, so tim as a Protestant marriage could be celebrated, in a regular way. It was dis- solved after the Duke's return to England, by virtue of the Royal Marriage Act. The question to be settled- is, whether the clause in- the Act which exempts from its operation the descendants of George the Second residing out of England, extends to the children of George the Third While residing abroad. There can he no doubt of the inten- tion of the Legislature—the only question is, whether the lawmakers have made their intention sufficiently plain to include only such of the Royal House as were by marnages contracted with foreign princes
placed out of the control of the law at the time the act was passed.
The Br;ghton paper tells a story of a Duchess who is at present. excluded from the Royal circle, and describes the exclusion as occa- sioning uneasiness to those that form the circle. We don'tknow any thing about the lady, or her supposed delinquencies. The King, the Brighton Gazette says, comes to town, on the 20th February, for good.