Dr. Knox, Bishop of Killaloe, will join heart and voice with his dis- tinguished brethren of Norwich and Chichester in support of the Peo- ple's Bill, whenever it conies before the Lords.
The Dublin Evening Post of Saturday says—" The Governor and Directors of the Bank of Ireland are fortifying- their mansions for a siege, and laying in (we protest to Heaven we are quite serious) biscuit and pickled pork for the garrison."
As we predicted, the Separatist Association has completely, tho- roughly failed. We saw that O'Connell's departure would annihilate any importance it could boast of. The meeting of yesterday was com- prised of sixteen persons. We advise the Unionisi s [dis-unionists?] to abandon such silly proceedings, as it is now quite clear that the game is up.—Dublin Times.
Captain Graham, of Newtwonbarry, has been dismissed from the commission of the peace.—Dublin Freeman's Journal.
The late Patrick Dillon, of Ballinakil, Queen's County, Esq. be- queathed 401. to chapels in that neighbourhood, 450/. to the poor of Ballinakil, and 50/. a year for masses for the souls of himself and wife —Limerick Chronicle.