A petition to Parliament to repeal the duty on Cotton-wool,
was adopted at a public meeting of merchants and manufacturers in Man- chester, on Thursday. The son of the Mr. Dickinson who was formerly M. P. fur Somer- setshite, deities a statement published in one of the county papers, that hi5 folisr had given orders not to take any Dissenter us a tenant On his estate.
A public ineetiug of the inhabitants of Great Marlow took place on Tut:eddy, in the Town-hall of that borough, when a petition to Parlia-
ment praying for the total abolition of Church-rates was unanimously agreed to, nu nerously signed ; and directed to be presented by their Liberal Mernher, Sir W. It. Clayton, as early as possible.
Resolutions 'condemning Church-rates have been passed at a nu- merously-attended public meeting of Lord John Russell's constituents at Stroud.