A feature is to be remarked in this debate not
sufficiently noticed. Prince Bismarck spoke, as usual, of the necessity of Royal power in a kingdom like Prussia, hemmed in on all sides by first-class armies ; and Herr von Putkammer alluded quite distinctly to dangers in the immediate distance, the indications of which the public had not noticed, but which, when they arrived, would show everybody the true value of the authority of the Throne. Herr von Putkammer is a favourite at Court, and was very recently decorated by the Emperor in a way unusual in Prussia, and he must have made this remark by direct permis- sion. It can only mean; so far as we see, that the Prussian statesmen or the King expect this summer occurrences which will compel the Sovereign to order the mobilisation of the Army, the supreme act of Royal authority, never performed unless Prussia means fighting. Nothing is visible to justify such an anticipation, but of course the Emperor may be aware of designs drawing to completion which might, in their consequences, in- volve Germany in war. It is foolish to lay much stress on such utterances, particularly when they help to cow refractory Parliaments ; but even a whisper of " dangers " coming from an agent of the German Emperor is alarming to Europe, and should be carefully recorded.