No further news of importance has been received this week
from Vienna, but the despatch of troops to the south-east still continues, and officers of the highest grade, never employed unless armies are moving, are rapidly leaving the capital for t the front. The editors of all newspapers in Vienna and Pesth have been summoned to the Police Bureau, and have been strictly enjoined to comply with the Act which forbids them to say anything about the movements of troops when important opera- tions are at hand, and the providing departments are acting as , if there were a war. The special correspondent of the Daily News, admitting that the telegraph would not be permitted to convey the intelligence, affirms that the whole Austrian Army has been mobilised, and that Italy is at the bottom of the affair. We cannot believe either statement, especially the second ; but we do believe that the Austrian Government is pursuing some policy which demands the presence of an army in the Herzegovina. The Ragusa correspondent of the Manchester Guardian, the best informed of living English- men on the condition of Dalmatia, says the insurgents have beaten two Austrian "battalions," and are encamped in an inaccessible position ; but even he does not give them seri- ous numbers. Military Governments like that of Austria do not put an empire in commotion and modify the budgets of two countries, because a thousand insurgents with rifles have taken to the mountain. Either the Austrians expect a grand rising of South Slays, to form a kingdom stretching from Belgrade to Cattaro—which is just conceivable—or they are intent upon some unrevealed project.