Alumni Oxonienses, 1715-1886. By Joseph Foster. (J. Foster.) —This handsome
volume is described on the title-page as the "Matriculation Register of the University of Oxford, alphabetically arranged, revised, and annotated." It is a continuation, with very con- siderable additions and improvements, of the " Graduati Oxonienses," a work which has never been carried, as far as the present writer is aware, beyond the first half of the present century. The "additions and improvements" are that, besides the dates of degrees, the parentage, birthplace, and year of birth, and, we may add, in many cases sub- sequent distinction and offices, are stated. Persons matriculated but not graduated are also given. The genealogical value of a work of this kind is too obvious to need statement. We trust that Mr. Foster, whose unwearied and honest labour in genealogy are well known, will receive a proper amount of support. This first volume contains about fifteen thousand names, and carries on the reader as far as the end of D.