28 JANUARY 1893, Page 11

Bygone Derbyshire. Edited by William Andrews. (F. Murray, Derby.)—Mr. Andrews

has collected in this volume twenty odd papers by various writers on various places and persons connected with Derbyshire. Mr. F. Davis explains the name Derby, by the termination, to be Danish, and meaning the " wild-beast village," an etymology on which we prefer to suspend judgment. Haddon Hall and the Castles of Bolsover and Peveril are described, and the love-story of Dorothy Vernon and John Manners is told. under the title of the "Romance of Haddon Hall." Mary, Queen of Scots, comes in, as having been imprisoned at Chatsworth, and as having taken the waters at Buxton for her health. Other interesting associations with the past belong to the county, and receive a treatment that is generally satisfactory from the various contributors to this volume.