28 JANUARY 1893, Page 11

Come Live with Me and be My Love, By Robert

Buchanan. (W. H. Heinemann.)—This is an effective pastoral, not of the Daphnis and Chloe kind, but with real men and maidens of the country-side. Mr. Buchanan chooses for his plot one of those games of cross-purposes which are common in fiction and not, perhaps, unknown in actual life. Geoffrey loves Catherine, Catherine loves George, who (fortunate man !) is also beloved by Bridget. This complication promises trouble, and it is increased by the malignant intervention of the "Gaffer," George's father. The "Gaffer" strikes us as being the least successful of Mr. Buchanan's characters. He has a melodramatic look. Stich beings are capable of cruelties and meannesses beyond counting, but scarcely venture on the crime which this old man attempts to per- petrate. The rural circumstances of the story are given with considerable skill ; the dialogue is vigorous ; altogether, the story is a success.